Adjusting to a Newborn

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^This gif though 😍 that baby doesn't know how lucky she is.

The first week home from the hospital was harder on Gwilym than Amelia since she knew what was coming, lack of sleep and a screaming child is never a good mix.

It's Amelia that losses the most sleep due to her always hearing Taylor first. Like with Freddie, Taylor is sleeping in a crib in their room until she's a few months old.

After a week of Amelia losing the most sleep and her falling asleep during breakfast yesterday, Gwilym agreed with her that they'd take turns getting up with her each night.

Tonight is Gwilym's turn wanting to give Amelia the chance to catch up on some proper sleep. At 11:35 pm he woke to Taylor's cries, rubbing the sleep from his eyes he pulls himself from their warm bed, checking that his wife is still asleep.

There's enough light in the room that Gwilym doesn't need to turn a light on, gently scooping Taylor up. He checks her nappy is dry before heading downstairs to heat up her bottle.

Gwilym stood by the window while they wait for the bottle but his eyes were focused on Taylor. Her cries had quietened a little now that she was being held, he rocks her gently in an effort to comfort her and when the milk was ready he checks the temperature on his wrist and lets her latch on.

Her cries completely stop and Taylor keeps her eyes trained on her dad, wrapping her hand around his little finger, drinking away happy.

When she finished her milk Gwilym puts the bottle to one side and brings her up onto his shoulder to wind her. She let out a little burp but Gwilym keeps her on his shoulder, feeling her falling back to sleep, hand curled into his pyjama shirt.

He readjusts the blanket around her to keep her warm and heads back upstairs. Gwilym couldn't bring himself to put her down yet so he turns into the nursery and seats in the rocking chair by the window and let his mind drift, listening to Taylor's even breathing.

He pressed a soft kiss to her soft downy hair, breathing in the calming smell of baby powder, a smell that weirdly enough both Gwilym and Amelia have come to love. He can't believe how small and perfect she is.

The first time he held her, he was terrified of breaking or dropping her, she was so light and soft. No imperfections, just beautiful soft skin. She's still small and soft now but her weight feels natural in his arms.

She's a complete daddy's girl and Gwilym will protect her with his life, he just wishes she could stay this small.

Eventually, Gwilym stands going back to their bedroom to put her back into her crib, kissing her forehead before he did.

Making sure she is still asleep, he climbs back into bed pulling Amelia close. "Is she okay?" Amelia whispers sleepily.

"Yeah, she's fine, just hungry." Happy with that answer Amelia snuggles into Gwilym's chest and they both drift back to sleep.


Amelia could have cried with joy when she found herself in the white void, "Dad?" She calls out.

"Milly," Her dad's voice calls back.

She turns towards it hurrying over to him, colliding in a hug, "I've missed you."

"I've missed you too," He pulls back looking her over, "Look at you, a full adult now. Tell me what I've missed?"

They sit on the bench, "Um... you remember the film I mentioned?"

"Yes, I do."

"Well, it was released last year. The film is Bohemian Rhapsody, oh dad I wish you could have been with us, the actors are incredible. The guy that was cast as you, Rami Malek he's outstanding. He portrayed you so well, he won a Golden Globe, a Bafta and an Oscar because of it."

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