Fed Up

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It's mid-July and everyone is at Roger's house, the morning had been a surprise baby shower for Amelia organised by Anita, Rory, Dominique and Debbie.

It was a girls-only event the boys went elsewhere, Brianna, Rosie and Jessica also joined them which made Amelia cry because she hasn't seen Rosie and Jessica for a while.

After Rosie, Brianna and Jessica went home, the late afternoon evening turned into a BBQ garden celebration for Rory graduating from University as a doctor last week.

Though it's evening, being the height of summer it's only just starting to turn dark and it's still very warm out, "I'm sorry it's not quite the alcoholic rev we planned," Amelia chats with Rory.

"Maybe it's for the best, I don't think it would look very good if a newly qualified doctor ended up in A&E with alcohol poisoning," Rory laughs sipping her drink, "You alright?" She asks as Amelia moves to get out of her seat.

"Yeah, just need the bathroom, again," Amelia rolls her eyes thanking Sarina when she helps her up.

She disappears inside and Roger finds her twenty minutes later in the kitchen looking through the freezer, "Looking for something?" He asks making her jump.

"Don't do that, I'm might pee myself." Glaring at him over her shoulder she continues looking, "You got any ice cream?"

Roger quietly laughs to himself knowing full well that's she is fed up, at 32 weeks he can hardly blame her but he doesn't want to upset by laughing.

He opens the next drawer down and pulls out her favourite tub of Ben and Jerry's.

"Thank you," She whispers taking it from him and grabs a spoon, "What?" She asks when he raises an eyebrow.

"Bowl?" He smirks.

She smiles, "What do I need a bowl for? It's not going back in the freezer," She takes the lid off and leans against the kitchen counter looking out the window scooping a bit out and starts eating.

Roger grabs what he came in for takes it outside. He comes back a few moments later grabbing a spoon and joins her, bumping her shoulder lightly, "You alright?"

"My back hurts that's all," She grimaces shifting her feet.

"I could get you a heating pad?" He offers.

"As lovely as that sounds, it's far too warm for that. That's why I came inside, it's cooler in here," She looks at him with tired eyes.

"Feeling a bit fed up? Brian says you've not been sleeping well and having bad dreams."

"Yeah, I've only got eight weeks left but that feels like a lifetime. The dreams are normal according to my midwife and there not every night but if it's not the dreams then I can't get comfy. I haven't a clue how Aunt V did this six times."

"Do you still see Deaks?" Despite the front he puts up when it comes to John, Roger does miss his friend.

Amelia nods, "Every few months, the last time I saw him was when I want to tell him about the baby." Sighing she puts the lid back on the ice cream.

"Thought you weren't putting that back," He teases lightly.

"It's given me heartburn," She huffs putting the tub back.

"Do you want to lie down in the spare room, try and get some sleep until Brian and Anita are ready to go? Or I'm sure they won't mind leaving early," He turns to go back to the garden.

"No don't," She stops him, "They're enjoying themselves don't ruin it but I'll take you up on the spare room."

Nodding he leads her upstairs, "Sleep as long as you like, I'll let them know where you are."

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