Chapter 19 - Water Deal (The Taste of Helping Others)

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 I finally arrived at the roads, but which way should I go from here?

 The road continues from north to south. Harula was supposed to be towards the east, so I wasn't sure which way I was suppose to go.

 Both directions led to a fork in the path, so if I just chose a way and ended up being wrong I would have to come back. What should I do?

 I looked around and saw a small forest on the left. There was some space between the road and the forest, so it seems the clearing could be used as a simple campground.

 It was a bit of a gamble, but perhaps I should stop here for today? Maybe someone would pass by.

 If someone did pass by, then I could ask them for directions. Alright, let's go with that.

 As such, I moved towards the clearing. I checked around for any people, but it seems there wasn't anyone around.

 I didn't have the courage to sleep in a place that was completely visible from the road, so I decided to make camp after going into the forest. I had a lot of firewood in Storage. So preparing a campfire was easy. I also installed a simple self-made tent. I wasn't about to do anything conspicuous like bring my house out here. Having peace was the best.

 I took out a small pot and bowl and began meal preparations. I had a lot of orc meat, so I decided to use it to make soup.

 While I was preparing the meal, a large carriage came by and stopped in the clearing.

 A few men came out from inside the carriage and briefly looked over the area before starting to set up camp.

 What should I do, should I call out to them?

 I was still wearing my cloak and my hood was still on. How would they react to a suspicious looking person who kept their face hidden with a hood? If it were me... I wouldn't be so sure. I glanced behind me, Norn was currently eating together with Bell. My eyes met Norn's eyes. It seems she was telling me not be worried.

 If it came down to it, Norn would be there. But it would be troublesome if things were to proceed that way, so I decided to wait and observe for a bit.

 It's not because I'm bad at interacting with people, or anything.

 Thus I decided to ignore them for now and continue with meal preparations. But before that, let's put on a small disguise. And done!

Fake glasses!

 I had made these glasses using Creation Magic during the last few days of travel.

 While I call them fake glasses, in truth they weren't actually just glasses. If you wear these glasses, you also become able to use the Appraisal skill!

 But the effect was only equivalent to LV2. In addition, it would cost 10 MP for each use. So it wasn't really usable.

 But I made these so I could deceive others about my Appraisal skill, thus it wasn't a problem. Rather, I purposely set the MP cost to be that high. My Appraisal Skill was currently LV9, so it would be bad if other people found out.

 Also, when you wear glasses, the impression of how other people perceive your face completely changes. As such, it would be perfect for a disguise, I had made them with that in mind.

 After I finished making the glasses, I also obtained the skills [Magic Conferment] and [Skill Conferment]. I kept track of the time.

 And I resumed cooking after putting on the glasses. After a while the small pot begins to boil. And a good smell wafts forth. Yep, looks delicious.

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