Chapter 29 - A Person From The Land Of Udon (Just Joking)

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Good morning. My stomach still feels a bit off. Ren here.

Eh? Isn’t going to the bathroom actually unnecessary for me? Well, I guess if I really wanted to then that would be the case. But if I didn’t use it, wouldn’t I lose the ability to use those muscles? As such, just to be safe, it should be alright to go. Yep.

But, even so after I finished, I would still use the Cleaning skill to wash myself. Since I like being clean.

Anyways, I guess I should eat before heading off to work.
Today’s breakfast was the usual bread, salad, and soup. But I’m fine with that.

After getting some bread for lunch, I waved goodbye to the ponytail girl… to Lily as I left the inn.
I went straight to the guild. And immediately to the receptionist window.

The person at the window today was the receptionist lady who handled my guild registration. She had curly blonde hair in a bob cut fashion. And she emitted a really feminine feeling. To be frank, she was totally my type. I was feeling a bit turned on at the moment.

“Ah, will you be gathering today?”

“Yes, please.”

“Ah, is that so? If you’re just gathering herbs, you actually don’t have to come take the request at the counter each time. You can just go out and go to the purchasing counters when you return.”


I was given an explanation. It seems that it wasn’t necessary to come to the window to accept the always available gathering requests. So it turned out I was just wasting time. Which was quite embarrassing.

“But I really like the image of how hard you’re working. Please do your best?”

Yes, I’ll do my best. Rather, I’m brimming with vigor right now! 

Thus, I headed into the forest today. There were numerous people following me today too. But unlike the last time, there were more children who looked under 13 years old. It looked like there were 4 people who were above 13, they’re probably in a party? And then there were six other kids.

I didn’t really want to engage with them, so I just ignored them and gathered by myself. But I still had quite a lot left in my stockpile. Like a few days ago, I gathered in multiple different areas at a moderate pace.

I glanced over at a boy nearby, he was gathering ordinary grass instead of herbs. I guess it can’t be helped.

“Those aren’t herbs.”


“It’s similar, but the plants next to it are the herbs. What you just gathered are a different type of plant.”


I didn’t give a reply back since I had just helped on a whim. Yep.

I looked around me, and it looked like all the children who were under 13 were younger than me.

Although I was only ten, there was still one main difference between us, they weren’t getting enough nutrients… but even so, I wasn’t planning on feeding them.

Afterwards, I continued gathering more herbs for a while. Should I have lunch soon? I’m getting hungry. Let’s leave the forest then. And have some lunch.

I exited the forest and prepared the tent. Then I began preparing the food. The children who were following me looked confused. It’s not like I have to be mindful of them since they’re just following me. I’m not the leader of their group or anything. So I will just leave them be.

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