Chapter 30 - Troubling Matters

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Morning. It’s morning. Let’s eat and go to work.

I headed into the dining room for breakfast. It was the usual meal. I glanced around at my surroundings while I was eating, the other customers were looking at me as if they wanted to say something, and the cook was glaring at me from the kitchen, but I splendidly ignored them.

After finishing my meal, I headed out of the inn and gave a slight wave to Lily since she was staring at me with lovestruck-like face.

Now then, let’s go to the guild, or rather, let’s just head out of town. The receptionist lady told me yesterday that I could just go directly to gather the herbs.
When I exited the town, some of the children gathering in the surroundings noticed me and approached me. But I didn’t really have anything to say to them.
I walked towards the southern parts of the forest with Norn. And behind me… isn’t it more than yesterday? Hmm, about 15 people? That’s fine, just do whatever you want then. But I’m not going to help if they get attacked by monsters.

I arrived in front of the forest. I was planning on going a bit deeper than yesterday. There wasn’t much left here because of my excessive gathering from yesterday.

I was already used to walking around in the mountains due to living in the forest for over a year, though I still lacked stamina. As I started moving forward, the people following me began to get further and further away.

I gave a quick glance backwards and saw the boy who spoke to me yesterday leading the group. His face turned red when he met my eyes.
Hmm, I get the feeling he looks about 11-12 years old? And the girl behind him looks about 10.

The boy began speaking. It would appear the girl is his friend, maybe sister? It looked like she was falling behind, so I stopped walking and waited for them to catch up. Since I felt like it. But it won’t happen again.

The children who realized that I was waiting for them began to quicken their pace.
After repeating this two times, I finally found a small area filled with herbs. Let’s gather here for today.

But since it was troublesome to gather everything by myself, I used Storage to thin the area out, but to the extent where it wouldn’t be noticeable at first glance. I think I took about half of everything in the area? My stockpile has increased again. I guess I’ll slow down a bit later.

When I crouched down and began gathering, the children following me split up and also began gathering.
About 30 minutes later, the boy from before came near me and began to talk.

“Um, thank you for before.”

“It was just a whim.”

“Even so, I still want to say thanks… That girl, you see, Yui, is actually my little sister, and she’s kinda slow… so she might’ve gotten lost if you didn’t wait for her.”

“I think it’s better to move your hands than your mouth.”

“Eh, ah, okay. I’ll do my best. Thank you very much.”

Why was he thanking me? Never mind, there’s no point in overthinking it. It would be bad if my feelings changed too much. If something happens, I might consider helping. But I’m not going to help with anything troublesome.

I kept gathering herbs until it reached noon. I’m hungry. Let’s just eat here for today since it’s too troublesome otherwise. I thought that and stood up, but there were three dead orcs on the ground. Bad Norn! There are children watching!

I quietly stored everything. Nothing happened here. I didn’t see anything.

Anyways, there’s still some leftover udon from yesterday. It was still edible since I had kept it inside storage the entire time. How convenient.

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