Chapter 62 - Various Unexpected Things

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After my shocking first time, we continued traveling on the road for about a day, and then in about another 1-2 days later, we arrived at the royal capital. It would usually take about a week to travel from the fief capital to the royal capital, but we had my superior carriage and golem horses. So we arrived rather quickly. But we were still taking our time traveling since we weren’t in a hurry.

Also I found out it was because of my mental resistance skill that I wasn’t distraught by my first time. It seems it was able to significantly reduce negative emotions and mental stress. Since mine was level 10, it probably completely shut everything out. I couldn’t decide if that was good or bad.

We were currently having a lunch break. We parked the carriage off the road, and took out a table and chairs for a relaxing meal.

The menu was egg sandwich. It was a dish of lightly-cooked scrambled eggs inside a sandwich. It was seasoned with only salt and pepper. I gave them a bit before, but it was still too early for them to eat mayonnaise frequently. The bread was soft and was made using natural yeast. The two of them were eating with surprised expressions. Fufufu, is it good? There’s plenty more! Eat up!

Incidentally, I baked this loaf of bread early this morning using earthenware I made using earth magic.

“Ren, how many more recipes do you have? This is my first time eating bread like this!”

“Rather, is this really bread~!? It’s my first time having this kind of bread~!”

Ufufu, I’ve robbed both Lily and Arisa of their first time… Or, rather, please spread egg sandwiches more, past reincarnated folks. It wasn’t even that difficult to make.

“I still have many more recipes. The bread I made was just one of them. Is it that soft and good?”

“It’s very good~ truly a bliss~”

“Ren, why don’t you become a chef?”

“Becoming a chef is a bit… since I only cook for fun.”

“This is for fun?”

“This isn’t the level of just for fun~”

What to say? Well, my Cooking skill is already LV10.

“Ah, right. Lily, is there an inn you would recommend at the royal capital? I would like one with a bath and where Norn and Bell can stay.”

“Huh? You’re going to stay at an inn?”

“Eh? Well, yeah.”

“I was going to invite you to stay with me at my parents’ home! Please live at my house!” “Ehh? As expected, that’s a bit too much.”

“No, no, you’ve been taking care of me in various ways, and you’ve also given me so many delicious foods, so I should be the one saying thanks! And I’ve also promised to teach you magic! There are even spell books at my parent’s house, so it’ll also save us time too! So please do come!”

Woah, she’s pushing rather hard for it… but, hmm.

“Umm, then, I’ll take you up on your offer?”

“Yes! Please indulge yourself!”

Well, it’s true that I fed them a lot, so I guess I’ll intrude for a while?

“Lily, you’re being a bit sly, you know~?”

“The fast one wins, right Arisa?”


 Why are you two competing for me…?

“Speaking of which, does Ren have any plans when we arrive at the royal capital? After buying ingredients and such?”

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