Chapter 114 Part 2 - Don't You Think Bad Premonition Usually Hit The Mark?

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First, I should give him the orc leather armor I promised before. However, I sew metal plates on some parts to strengthen the defense.

I prepared a one-handed sword with the highest quality as his weapon. However, I didn’t bestow anything. The specifications were almost the same as Ryuu’s sword. If he wanted to buy this, it would cost dozens of small gold coins, right…? Or maybe a few gold coins…? No, let’s stop thinking.

Next was a shield. I made a round shield with steel, wood, and leather. It would be too heavy for him to lift a large shield. For the time being, the front part was made entirely of metal, so it wouldn’t break easily. When he grew up, he could buy a new large shield completely made of metal. I didn’t bestow this as well.

The leather shield in front of me was for… let’s give it to Ryuu and Cain.

It’s better than wasting it, anyway.

“Hey, are you sure about this?”

“I’ll be sad if you die.”

“Die… That’s… Well, I understand. But we’ll pay you.”

“You can pay me when you succeed in the world.”

“I’ll work hard.”

“I will work hard to pay you back too!”

“Ren, I will do my best.”

Um, do your best, guys.

Ah, when they return to the orphanage with updated equipment, everyone else would ‌question it, right? I should think of some excuses now.

Hmm, how about saying that a kind merchant in the royal capital came to see them during his business and lent them equipment because he was worried? Triela had amazing interpersonal communication ability, so it wasn’t impossible… yeah, let’s go with this.

I told Maricle about that, and he nodded in agreement. He said he would tell Triela later.

Now that the excuse was done… I already gave Ryuu equipment before. What’s left was Triela’s spear.

I couldn’t make it if she wasn’t here, could I? I could also make both short and long spears first, though… Oh, and I need to update her armor as well.

While thinking about such things, it’s time to eat dinner. Yup, they naturally would stay overnight here.

After listening to Triela’s team’s stories last time, all three of them wanted to eat stew. So I ‌make cream stew tonight. They liked it a lot since they kept asking for another serving. Hehe!

And then, they took a bath and went to the bed. Their reaction was the same as Triela’s team’s. As for the room allocation, I had Maricle stay in the room Ryuu used before, and let the two girls choose… But Rico and Kuro shared a room. I guess no one liked sleeping alone…

By the way, all the guest rooms had twin beds, so there’s no problem in that area.

The next morning, the three of them didn’t wake ‌until noon. Just as I expected.

After lunch, everyone went home, and I had free time again. What should I do? …Well, I wanted to try making a lot of things. At night, I did my daily routine a little early and went to bed early.

Just like that, I spent my day with such a feeling.

What was unusual among the things I did during my free time was my research on disguise.

I mean, I might have to go near the town if something really happened, you know? In the worst case, I had to enter the town.

Even though I tightly guarded my face with a hood and muffler, I couldn’t rest assured. But I didn’t want to cut my hair. Then, I thought ‌I should change my hair color.

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