Chapter 104 - Harvest Festival, Day 3

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Alright, it's the third day of the harvest festival.

Nevertheless, I wouldn't go out today. I had walked around a lot yesterday and the day before that. Plus, I was worried about Triela's team's wallet.

That being said, I was planning to spend my time leisurely in the workshop. I'm also thinking about preparing a dish that would take a bit of time.

There were times when I was struck with those thoughts.

"Um, sorry... I know that I'm bothering you... It's just a bit hard to stay with them..."

"Er... Well, I'm also one of the causes. Don't worry about it."

Yeah, it's Ryuu... he even came to the workshop, you know? He told me he wanted to hide for a while or something like that... But I didn't really mind since I knew the reason.

The cause was probably what happened yesterday. Boman, who had been feeling depressed before the harvest festival, kept grumbling and muttered, "I will definitely find her," "She's destined to be mine," "I will become a successful merchant and bring her home."

As the "lady" in question, Ryuu was naturally scared with Boman to some extent... Yeah.

In such a situation, I let him into the workshop and pass his time here today. It's not like I don't understand his feelings. I'm also one of the reasons why that happened... Hmm, I never expected that this kind of mess might happen. I have to be careful from now on.

But well, since it already came to this, should I just work on the requested sword that I planned to work on after the harvest festival ended? I almost finished the preparation for my dish anyway.

By the way, I was making roasted pork fillet using orc meat. Rice bowl with roasted pork fillet sounds delicious, right~ Added with chopped cabbages and plenty of broth... Gulp. After that, I could add a bit of extra seasoning.

Since I cooked it at the courtyard, the aroma naturally spread when I was boiling the broth. The workers who were resting in the workshop today were glancing here, making me a bit uncomfortable.

But we couldn't eat immediately, okay? After weakening the fire, we need to leave it for a while so the meat would absorb the flavor.

It's still morning, but I asked Ryuu what kind of sword he wanted. I'm planning to work on it right after lunch.

By the way, I had asked permission to use the blacksmith workshop. Even if the workshop was technically closed, the young workers and apprentices were here to practice.

Let me see, the length was the average sword used by an adult man, huh? Ryuu was pretty incompetent, so he should use the light one. Then I should decrease the length of the blade to make a thin sword... First, I took out a few swords as a sample and had him try swinging them.

"I think this one is the best... The blade's length is perfect. The width of the blade is also very nice."

"Isn't it heavy? I think you should choose a lighter one."

"Ahh, I will train myself on that part. I'm slender, right? If I don't get any taller than this, then my weight will remain on the lighter side. That's why I have to choose a weapon heavier than me. I heard it's to increase the... uh, power?"

I see. If the weapon was heavy, then its weight would also increase the power of his slashing attack. Seems like he properly investigated this matter, eh.

Even so, I think think that forcing himself to use a sword that didn't suit his physique would burden him a lot.

Hmm, maybe I should give him a short sword as a bonus?

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