Chapter 59 - Various Exploring

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After arriving at the fief capital and finding an inn, we dropped off Norn and Bell, then decided to go explore around the market since we had time until night. What about the guild? It felt like something troublesome might happen so I decided to pass on it. In the first place, I didn’t have time to work, and even if I did, I could only gather herbs.

So in the meantime, we explored the various stalls and stores. There were many things that I didn’t see before in Harula.

Rather, everything seemed a bit cheaper? I could see eggs being sold here and there, but the price was a bit cheaper than what I heard in Harula. Wait, isn’t it usually supposed to be expensive? I should ask someone for clarification. As such, I asked Lily.

“Ah, that’s because there’s more people.”

 More people?

“Um, how do I explain this…”

 Hmm? Ah, so supply and demand?

“Is it because there were many consumers, which led to the supply being increased, and as a result the supply became stable, which in turn led to demand dropping and thus the price also decreasing?”

“…Right. You just summarized it quite nicely.”

 Well, there were various reasons.

“So going by that theory, does that mean things at the royal capital are even cheaper?”

“It depends on the item and perhaps some other stuff… but for example, buying high quality wheat here would be cheaper than buying it at the royal capital. But if you wanted to buy some similar low quality item, then the royal capital would be cheaper. The rest would depend, things that are harder to get in rural areas are more expensive, but would be cheaper at the royal capital. Consumables and food are usually cheaper in the production areas, so it would be more expensive in places that are farther away. But luxury items are expensive no matter the place, and the price will be more expensive depending on the quality.”

 I see.

Incidentally, it seems that eggs in the royal capital cost about one fifth of the price of eggs in Harula. Since the number and scale of chicken farms were quite different.

“The region’s consumption is low and it also takes time to deliver them.”

“Aah, so the cost of delivery is also included in the price?”

“That’s right. Considering that, I think that in general the prices of the royal capital are more expensive. The rent is nothing to scoff at either.”

I see, so in that case, I suppose it would be better to live in the fief capital rather than the royal capital?

“What about sea fish that are difficult to distribute?”

“Even salted fish becomes more expensive the farther it is from the sea. If it’s fresh fish, then the price will increase even more drastically. There’s also no way to distribute them unless you use magic to preserve them, but that method is still quite difficult unless you’re from the upper-class nobility or royal family.”

I see. In other words, the large amount of seafood in my Storage would be worth quite a lot. Although, I didn’t plan on selling them.

If I introduced food drying or sun drying, then the distribution method would probably change quite a bit. But I wasn’t planning on teaching anyone that since I would likely get dragged into troublesome matters. I was fine since I could just make it for myself to eat.

“And so for that, it would be better to just look around here and buy at the royal capital instead.”

“…I see, so how is the basic price determined? If the price of the royal capital is used as the standard, it would lead to prices in rural areas being overpriced, which would lead to various dissatisfaction… so when it comes to price, purchasing, and distribution, do the commerce guilds handle it? I don’t think the guild has the authority to act completely alone, so do they talk to those in the royal family who are in charge of administration to some extent?”

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