Chapter 92 - Teacher Ren's Extracurricular Class

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Munyaa! It’s Ren.

By the way, I’m currently teaching Triela and the other kids for the third time. Eh? What about the second time? It ended without any problems! Like the first time, Cain was stuttering and Ryuu was irritating!

Really… Well, Ryuu was really giving it his all once the class started, but he acted up before and after class, and also during the break…

Cain was, well… he always looked like he wanted to say something. I wasn’t sure of what he was trying to say, but just say it already! I even waited for him, okay! I showed clemency to him, so don’t stutter so much! Is he a chicken!?

Whatever. Anyway, today was the third time I taught them. We were in the second half of the third class, in the midst of studying calculation.

I started teaching them calculation from the second half of the second class. Even I got tired of teaching them the same thing repeatedly. So from now on, I would teach them reading and writing in the first half and calculation in the second half.

What about the break time between the lesson, you ask? I didn’t do anything. I only let them rest. Juice? Of course, I wouldn’t give it to them. The juice in the first class was a special service. Ryuu, shut up! The reason I didn’t give it anymore was because of your behavior! Understand that already…! This became a bit troublesome. I had to seriously reflect on this later on.

With that, the second half of the class was over. But everyone’s ability in the calculation was quite delicate… They could still count one digit and two digits, but they started to have a hard time around three digits. If they already struggled with addition and subtraction, then what about multiplication and division… Ah, but Rico could solve the questions really quickly, and Triela was also quite good. Hmm. It would work out, I guess? Anyway, wasn’t Rico a bit too smart? Ah, maybe it’s because I taught Triela and Rico multiplicative division first. The progress of each person was different.

Ah, right. I made something for Arle and Kuro. I wanted to give the item to them, so I rounded up the second half a little early.

“Arle, Kuro. Can you come with me for a while?”
“Hmm? What is it?”
“I’ll give this to you.”

Ta-dah! A slingshot! People also called this ‘slings’. Pull a stone like this, and it would fly! I tried making this for fun during my breaks in blacksmithing.

“What is this? A String? It’s tied here and there…”
“Please take a look.”

I collected some stones of suitable size and aimed at a tree with a considerable distance from our position. Sproing, pssh! Bam!

Let’s do another shot. Pull it like this, and pew! Bam!

And a third shot to finish up. Pew, pew, pew! Bang!

Yup, all of the stones hit the same place. I hadn’t practiced a lot, but this must be thanks to my [Snipe] skill. Skill correction was amazing~

The power gradually increased with each throw, so the trunk of the tree was lightly gouged on my third shot. They should be able to understand how powerful this slingshot could be.

“And that’s how you use it.”

Huh? No reaction? Ah, everyone looked shocked. Even Ryuu, who was complaining to Cain and Boman until a while ago, gaped as he stared at us. He already had a stupid face, but now that he made that kind of expression, he looked even more stupid.

“Eh… What is that…”
“All of them hit the same place…? Did you aim that…?
“…The tree is gouged. If it hits my head, won’t it become dangerous?”

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