Chapter 115 Part 2 - This Is The First Time I Participated In Actual Battle

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Letting them enter like this would be bad, so I wanted to push the flock of demons back, or decrease their number. Let’s just go there and rampage.

First‌, I should start from the most jammed place. I snipe the heads of the bears who were rampaging with pebbles, blowing them off. Next was the wild boars and deers that broke through the barrier.

I didn’t hesitate to keep shooting, running straight from east to west. Of course, Norn and Bell also didn’t stay quiet.

Norn, who was carrying me, couldn’t jump to the demons, so she used lightning magic to pinpoint the demons. Using wind magic in this dense area might break the adventurers into pieces, so she thoughtfully didn’t use it.

On the contrary, Bell went on a rampage. She jumped from a demon to another one, biting their throat and decapitating them using wind magic… When did this child become this strong?

Watching Norn and Bell’s matchlessness made me feel a bit complicated, but actually, I was quite scared.

I knew I would be safe since I was riding on Norn, but I was afraid that the demons would jump right onto me. It’s okay since Norn would avoid them, but… In general, I was only sniping the opponents from a long distance in all the battles I had participated so far. When the enemies approached me, either Norn and Bell would guard me.

That’s why this was the first time I dashed into a lot of enemies this time… Even if I had [Mental Tolerance] skill, something scary was still scary.

As I wondered how many times I had to experience these things to get used to the battlefield, I grew depressed instead.

When I thought about such things, I could hear the adventurers behind me shouting. Apparently, they were telling their friends ‌I was on their side.

After I went straight to the battlefield, the number of demons started to slightly decrease. Maybe they were retreating to make a new plan? However, they also seemed to be at a loss, unsure about what to do.

Knowing that the adventurers should rebuild their defense line, I ran into the center of the battlefield again and completely separated the demons and the defense line.

I ran around in the same way as before, prioritizing to kill the bears. Looking back, it seemed that I successfully separated the demons and the defense line.

Now then, the situation finally returned to the starting point. I got off Norn here and stood on alert. That being said, I sniped the small fries with my long-range attack. Instead, I asked Norn and Bell to run straight into the flock of demons again and rampage, defeating the boss, White Fang.

Would I be fine without Norn and Bell next to me? It’s okay, I’m using barrier magic to overcome anything! It was level 4, so it should be able to handle most things, but… I also dealt with the enemies, making sure they couldn’t approach me.

In the first place, the prerequisite for victory in this defense battle was to earn time until the subjugation force returned. I should be able to handle this until then.

Around thirty minutes after separating with Norn and becoming a fixed artillery, Triela and the others rushed to me from behind.

“Haa, haa! Ren, are you okay!?”

“I’m fine.”

Everyone was running out of breath. Apparently, they ran all the way here. They couldn’t even start a conversation, so I gave them time to calm their breathing first.

“Fuu… Anyway, what happened here?”

“I started a rampage to bring down the enemies. After that, the adventurers also decreased. They were probably rebuilding the defense power. Once they were done, I think we could handle this.”

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