Chapter 97 - It's Finally Over

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G’morning! I’m holding a Fenrir in my hands right now~! Nah, it’s a lie. Norn and Bell were too heavy. Anyway, I’m Ren.

What happened with the staff of the guild the other day was very troublesome, right?

A few days after that, they told me how they would punish that man called Ricardo. They would transfer that guy elsewhere. It’s almost the same as a demotion.

Since there would be a large-scale subjugation this winter, he would follow the royal capital’s Guild Submaster, who would go to the base of a big subjugation point and command it, to do chores and work hard. Also, the staff would continue to receive severe treatment even after they passed the subjugation craze period… Praise Buddha.

By the way, they told me to keep this a secret since this subjugation was still confidential. Why would I even talk about it?

I also heard a little about the reformation of the guild.

The guild in this country had a reliable maintenance system, and they had a strong tendency to maintain the status quo even if it was utterly worthless. Nearly half of the current executives were such conservatives. By the way, Gilmouth and his faction were reformists.

Although they wanted to reduce the mortality rate of the newcomers and tried various things, they couldn’t do much because they lacked human resources. They were unable to operate well because Gilmouth had been negotiating with the headquarters, the foreign country’s guild, this country’s nobles, and the other guild’s staff, something like that. No, even if you tell me that, I don’t understand, but it sounds quite pressing though…

It seemed that they were moving forward at a fantastic pace after they could finally reform with leadership. Once the reformists increased their control, they had been dealing with the current conservatives and severely punished the corrupt staff… Just don’t involve me, okay? Anyway, changing the way they operate so much would cause a lot of problems, so I advised them not to be too impatient to change it.

Besides, I more or less taught them about the layout of the classroom, but it might be possible for them to hire someone who went to an aristocratic school. Using that as a reference should be a good idea. Regarding the teaching method, they wouldn’t be able to teach unless they had someone in charge of that, so I’ll pass. It’s too much of a hassle.

Other than that, there was also something not worth worrying about: the popularization of the carry carts had increased the number of materials brought into the guild, and the profits likewise increased… woooow, isn’t that amazing? (monotone)

Anyway, today was the day of my blacksmith training. I was in the middle of my break time. I didn’t have any appointments with Triela and the others today.

Since it was already late September, there were days when the wind was cold now and then, but since I was blacksmithing, I felt so hot and sweaty. Today, I decided to go to the side street to get exposed to the wind. Fuu, it’s cool.


Yeah, there’s no one here. It’s okay for me to make a weird voice. It’s not crowded at this time~


Gah!? There’s a person!?

“Ah, yes. What is it?”

I tried to reply, hiding my shock using [Concealment] and [Disguise]. Don’t talk to me so suddenly! I was surprised! …Ah, Norn, it’s fine, okay? You shouldn’t bite him, understand?

“U-um! I… I! I-I’m working in that workshop, um! B-b-before, uhh!”

Hmm, he looked like he was going to blow a fuse soon. How about calming down a little? Yes, take a deep breath. In, out, okay? Okay, it seems like he has calmed down. So what’s the issue? This kid seemed to be an apprentice blacksmith working in the neighboring workshop. He was around thirteen to fifteen years old. Anyway, the reason he called me was… he asked me if we could play together at the harvest festival next week. Ahh, so it’s already that time, huh…

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