Chapter 25 - First Request

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I overslept a bit due to my fatigue from traveling, but I got up after a while. After I finished changing clothes, I headed towards the dining room. Naturally, I had my hood on.

The breakfast looked the same as yesterday's dinner, with bread, salad, and soup, but there was boiled eggs this time. This was the first time I saw an egg. Apparently, eggs were considered high-class food. But with eggs, the portion of the food was less than last evening.

Although upon closer inspection, the soup's ingredients were different than yesterday's soup, and it seemed to be very well-made. This was good. I decided to continue staying here.

I paid for three additional days before leaving the inn, I was then given a wooden tag as proof that I was a consecutive customer. The wooden tag also had a number on it.

I ended up arriving at the guild quite early considering I overslept, or at least, I think so. Since this will be a memorable first job, let's do our best!

...Well, it is necessary. This world doesn't have the Labor Standards Act or insurance available if you fall on hard times.

Norn and Bell followed me into the building. Multiple eyes gathered on me, but I ignored them.

I looked towards the bulletin board where the request forms were posted, the crowd surrounding it was quite amazing. But that was fine with me since I didn't need to use it.

I was taking on the always available gathering herbs request.

There were various types of herbs. For example, there were types of herbs for wounds, or types used for making medicines. There were also types of herbs used to make antidotes, or types used as pain relievers. Various types of potions could be made depending on what materials are used.

Naturally, potions weren't made from a single type of herb. There were countless types of herbs and gathering all the various herbs was quite difficult.

As such, I headed straight for the receptionist window without going to the bulletin board.

"I would like to take on the request for gathering herbs."

"Ah, yes... gathering herbs is it?"

"Yes, gathering herbs."

The guild staff listened while glancing back between me and Norn. It was a different person than the one I registered with yesterday.

"Um, what about subjugation...?"

"I'm still only eleven years old so I can't accept those."


That's right, I'm with such a big wolf, but I'm only eleven years old. As such, it's impossible for me to take on subjugation requests. I was now used to this sort of reaction.

"The gathering herbs request, please."

"Ah, yes."

She confirmed my acceptance of the request. Now time to leave. I wanted to avoid being drawn into anything troublesome. As such, I decided to immediately head out before any strange guy called out to me. I presented my guild card and was able to exit through the gate without any problems this time.

I glanced around the surrounding area for a while. It seems there were also other children gathering herbs within the area. Numerous children were about on their knees looking for something.

It was quite crowded, so I probably wouldn't be able to gather much around here... but upon closer inspection, there seems to be a large forest towards the south. In that case, let's go look over there.

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