Chapter 89 - Catching A Glimpse Of Knowledge Cheat's Scariness

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After Cain’s intrusion, I continued my blacksmith training for a couple of days. This time, I forged many katanas. But I also had to forge ordinary swords. Katanas weren’t suitable for shooting with [Sword Control Magic].

By the way, I’m currently chatting with Triela today. Not only Rico, but Maricle also came. It seemed like Rico came to report what had happened after they scolded Cain. Arle stayed in the inn to watch Cain. She wanted to come along, but she was still worried that Cain would do something stupid once no one was watching him. I can understand their sentiment.

“Ahh, it was really hard after we returned home…”

“I never expected that he was that persistent.”

Eh, that much?

After Cain woke up the day before yesterday, he immediately tried to leave the room and wanted to look for me. Noticing that, Arle gave him a taste of her deadly jump kick again and made him stop moving. There, Maricle restrained his movement, and Cain was finally obedient.

Before Cain woke up and could do anything strange again, everyone who supported team Ren unanimously agreed that they couldn’t let him free, so they tied him in the chair and preached him until night. By the way, when did I have a team?

After he calmed down, it was time for dinner, so they untied him, had a meal, and went to bed. By the way, Ryuu and Boman were complaining all the time because they couldn’t eat meat, considering how they didn’t hunt for rabbits on that day.

The next day, Maricle noticed that Cain tried to get out of the room early in the morning, so he restrained him again. After interrogating him, Cain wanted to go and see me. His obsession is disgusting.

And after using the whole morning to preach him again, Cain finally gave up, even if he did so reluctantly. In the afternoon and the next day, they went hunting rabbits and collecting herbs as usual.

By the way, Cain was uncannily obedient and looked like he was thinking about something…

“How can I say this? From your story, he sounds really unpleasant. I don’t understand him at all.”

“To be honest, I also don’t get him. He’s still tolerable when he doesn’t think about you, but now, even I feel a bit disgusted…”

“I had already given up on him when we were still in the orphanage, but if this keeps going on, he will trouble you again. I did my best to scold him… It’s tiring…”

“I’m sorry for causing trouble.”

“No, no! We’re the ones who always annoy you!”

“Yes, it’s all Cain’s fault! The heck is ‘Ren is going to be my wife’!? Ren is going to be my wife!”

Eh, I’m going to be Rico’s wife? This is the first time I heard this, though?

“Aside from Rico’s joke, I have a request for you… Is that okay?”

“A request?”

“Yeah. I’ve been discussing this with Maricle for a long time, but can you teach all of us how to read and write? Rico and I aren’t very skilled in teaching other people…”

“I hope you can teach us how to read and write, and if possible, how to calculate. I can buy daily necessities using a small sum of money without trouble, but if we’re going to continue working as adventurers, we might have to buy expensive equipment all at once. I also discussed with Triera that it would be dangerous if we don’t notice that we are getting tricked. We don’t have much, but we will properly pay you.”

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