Chapter 81 - Eat The Meat! Focus On The Meat!

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With that, we left the guild and moved on the main street. The people were looking at me, startled. Norn was standing out too much!

“I thought it was a figurine with fur, but it was actually the magic beast you tamed.”

Maricle had been interested in Norn since we were talking in the reference room. Arle was frightened and took a little distance from Norn. Kuro was running around, trying to touch Bell.

“I think I would have died without these guys.”

Let’s go with that story. To be honest, I didn’t think I would die. But without them, I think I would have to face unthinkable hardships. I really loved Norn. So be more fluffy, my goddess.

On our way moving together with Norn, we stopped by a stall to buy skewered meat. This seemed to be our lunch. Other than that was a hard brown bread.

I couldn’t help looking them in speechlessness. Noticing my gaze, they explained to me.

“I was always hungry until around half a month ago, but now our income has increased and we can eat as much as we want!”

“Last time, we only can eat this damned hard bread. But now we can buy one or two more dishes every meal. It’s all thanks to you teaching a lot of things to Triela. I’m grateful.”

“You’re already smart when you were still in the orphanage, but I think it’s strange that Ren is this amazing! It’s only been a little over a year, yet you’ve learned so much. What did you do?”

Arle, aren’t you too cruel? But well, I did a lot of things. Yeah, a lot. But there were many things I couldn’t explain. I just answered her with my best vague smile.

After that, we went outside the gate while chatting. Then we started munching on our lunch as we walked. We have bad manners, you say? No, we were trying to save time, you see. The reason they didn’t eat when we were moving around the town was because they didn’t want to bump into someone and drop it…

By the way, I had been wondering this since before. Let’s just ask. Maricle carried a wooden board on his back. Why a wooden board?

“Ah, this was a substitute of shield.”

Oh… a wooden shield. But I could see a handle attached to the board. Was that a broken door plate? It seemed like it would break if he took a slightly stronger blow.

“Even if it looks like this, I’ve been able to escape from the goblins thanks to this. My body is the biggest from the whole party, so I’m thinking of becoming a tanker in the future.”

For the time being, everyone had discussed and decided their future role in the party. Hmm.

By the way, Maricle, who had the best physique, initially thought of using a two-handed sword or a heavy weapon, but since all of the three fools wanted to use a sword, he decided to be in charge of the defense. To be fair, the tanker should be someone with tough body.

Under the current plan, the vanguard would be reinforced by the boys. Maricle would defend with a shield. Boman would use two-handed sword. Ryuu and Cain would use one-handed sword and a small shield. Also, Cain would also become the commander of the vanguard.

The girls would be in the rear guard, but their weapons were still undecided. Since throwing weapons were consumable items, the cost would be high, making it hard. The candidate for searching enemy would either be Triela who was skillful in everything or Kuro from the agile black cat race. Since Rico had learned magic, Arle and Kuro had been really troubled about what they could. Even so, it had been decided that Triela would become the commander of the rear guard no matter what.

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