Chapter 115 Part 1 - This Is The First Time I Participated In Actual Battle

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I used [Hawk’s Eyes] while grasping on Norn’s back to enhance my eyesight. Thanks to that, I could see the area around the castle from a distance.

The eastern gate where we were heading was closed. I could see a few people nearby. They seemed to be soldiers… According to Triela and the girls; the monsters attacked the north side. Then I should turn right from here…

I instructed Norn to change the direction and head to the north gate. With Norn’s speed, we should arrive in less than ten minutes. Let’s disguise myself for now.

I used [Camouflage] Skill that I tried a few days ago to change the color of my hair and eyes into silver.

Next, I changed the color of Norn and Bell’s furs. Both of their furs turned black now. When it came to black wolf demon beasts, ‘Black Demon Wolf’ was known to be extremely vicious. There’s also the famous ‘Devil Wolf King’, who was believed to have destroyed a country a long time ago.

Fenrir, on the other hand, had silver fur. The color was suitable to use as a camouflage… though they could be mistaken as hostile and got attacked.

However, I felt apologetic to make them disguise themselves into something similar to the incarnation of evil. It’s only for a while, so be patient, okay?

But for some reason, Norn and Bell were in a good mood. Why?… I was silver and Norn and Bell were black. They seemed to be happy that our color was the opposite of the usual one.

Hmm. It’s fine as long as they didn’t mind. Turns out they were so happy about such a trivial thing… How lovely.

After a few minutes passed when riding on Norn, I could finally see the north gate.

Apparently, the battle had started. There were many adventurers and knights fighting with a large flock of demons.

A few adventurer-looking people were fighting against several white wolf demons straight in front of us. They were ‌at a disadvantage since the demons ‌surrounded them. Should I help them for now?

I summoned multiple hammer-shaped stone gravel with earth magic, making it float midair around me. Then I shot it.

I did this aerial attack using [Sword Magic]. Even if it’s called [Sword Magic], it didn’t mean that I could only use it for swords. This could be applied widely. In the first place, I learned this skill after shooting a stone, so this was reasonable. Rather, it would be strange if I couldn’t use it like this.

By the way, I used stone gravel so I wouldn’t stand out. Making swords fly would only give me bad publicity. But then, I had no other way to attack. I couldn’t use any offensive magic.

However, throwing stone gravel like this would make everyone who saw me think ‌I was using earth ‘arrow’ magic.

However, I was worried about the attack power since I was just throwing stones. Therefore, I made the shape of the stone gravel into a hammer, increasing the speed and the power even further by spinning it.

Well, I planned to use the burst dagger in case of emergency, though.

The moment all the stones shot at high speed hit the head of the wolf demons, I made them explode. My sniper skill was LV7, so it’s impossible for me to miss the target at this range.

It confused the adventurers when the head of the demons suddenly blew in front of them. But when they noticed me, they made a fuss.

“A black wolf demon!? And it’s so big!”

“No way, Black Magic Wolf?”

“Fuck, we have to fight it too…?”

As expected, they mistook Norn and Bell as the enemy’s reinforcement. However, this was within my plan. I slowed Norn’s speed down and approached them.

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