Chapter 28 - Recently, Eating Oily Foods Has Been Giving Me Stomach Aches

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Day 3 of my adventurer life! I’m changing my schedule for today and taking a break from work to explore the town and go shopping. I would like to buy some flour. And perhaps some weapons too.

As such, I must fulfill my stomach first. I wonder what’s for breakfast today? It’s a hot dog again. Well, the soup is still good, but… it’s somehow disappointing.

As I was leaving the inn, I saw a familiar-looking ponytail girl, so I gave her a slight wave. I still haven’t heard her name yet.

First up, a weapons shop. Right now, I was walking around with Norn and Bell in search of a weapons shop. But in the first place, it would be foolish to search by myself since I wasn’t familiar with the town. It might be smarter to go to the guild and ask the receptionist for information. In that case, let’s go to the guild then.

I arrived at the guild and looked around for an open window.

“Excuse me.”

“Yes… oh? Will you be gathering today too?”

“Ah, no. I just wanted to ask if you knew of any good weapons shops around here? I thought it would be better to go to one recommended by the guild rather than accidently going to a weird one.”

“I see, that might actually be better. Well, I would recommend these weapons shops then…”

I was given two places. One shop specializes in leather armor and such. The other dealt with custom made weapons and such. But I wanted to get disposable throwing knives so the latter would be the one I would be going to. As for armor, I already made one myself with detailed specifications that include things like “a design that wasn’t too tight around my chest and would hinder my movements,” thus I think it isn’t necessary. Ah, but I would like some clothes too. Since I did get reborn as a cute girl, I wanted to dress up a bit. Although, I have no plans on showing it to anyone.

Hmm… wait, couldn’t I just get some materials and make my own clothes? Right, let’s go with that.

Thus, I arrived at the weapon shop while thinking such thoughts. For blacksmiths, I have this weird impression that they would be tough-looking middle-aged men, but the shopkeeper was just a normal, friendly looking person. But he was a bit muscular. I was immediately shown to the knives. Using thinner knives would mean less damage, so I guess I should go with something that’s wide and thick? Using something like that should be able to hinder movement better, but would it also cause too much bleeding?

After looking around for a bit, I finally found a suitable throwing knives. It cost one silver coin each. Which was a bit expensive. But I bought a hundred of them for the time being. So a total of one small gold coin. I bought too much? Well, being safe was important. But I would need to strengthen the knives later.

I was also given ten extra knives for buying them in bulk. I placed all the knives into Storage while pretending to put them into my bag.

Afterwards, I was also shown a selection of short swords. I checked them with my Appraisal skill, but frankly my own short sword was much better. These were probably mass produced through casting.

The blacksmith also showed me what he called a masterpiece, but… the distribution of the carbon content wasn’t uniform. I guess I should go take a look at a different weapon shop?

But in the end, I decided to just go to a clothing store without checking out another weapon shop. In this world, the clothes being sold were basically just used clothes. You could tell the clothes were old from just a glance. And there wasn’t anything cute either. I’ll just make the clothes myself.

After asking the store employee about the location, I switched to a store that sold cloth. And I bought various different types of cloth. Which cost a total of about 5 silver coins. The store employee was fairly surprised. I was even given a send off after leaving the store.

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