Chapter 87 - Plain Yet Relatively Important Training - Third Part

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Cheers! I’m going to do blacksmithing energetically today! Yes, this is Ren.

Really, I got a bit of trouble yesterday, making me a bit panicked. But I also bribed the master, so things should somehow go well! Well, there’s nothing I could do about this anyway… Since it has come to this, I want to have a strong backing. However, getting incorporated into strange power sounds like it would only bring many troublesome things. Hmm. I wonder if there’s no favorable person in authority…

Huh, thinking about it too much would change nothing! Rather than that, I should raise my level now!

So, I planned to train my blacksmith after heartily eating my breakfast. But before that, I have to report this. My new skills had increased.

[Concealment] and [Disguise] skills. With these skills, I could hide, mislead, and trick other people. [Concealment] was a skill that allowed me to hide evidence, erase various traces, and hide any specific thing when my status was being assessed. [Disguise] was a skill that allowed me to cover up various things, such as changing the status value of an item into another value. Both were the skills I always wanted, but they were both very difficult to acquire. Please note that even though it sounded similar, their effects were slightly different. Each of them had various uses. Fufufu.

The reason why I acquired them was probably that I bribed the master and acted innocent during dinner yesterday… Other than that, I had been hiding my face and sneaking around on a regular basis, so I felt like they finally bore fruit? No, really… When I had dinner yesterday and breakfast this morning, I was bothered by the gaze around me…

For the time being, I hid most of my skill fields, covered up some skills to make them seem to have low levels, and disguised my status by changing the value of my MP, MGC, INT, and CHA into low numbers.

By the way, it seemed that the master was gazing and examining the katana I forced on him all night. That’s why he was half asleep during breakfast. Wasn’t he working too hard?

Ah. I also acquired [Swordsmanship: Art of Sword Drawing], meaning that my melee attack skills had increased. Did I learn it after doing that in the courtyard yesterday? Well, I learned it a little in my previous life, so saying that I remembered how to do it was closer, I guess?

However, I would immediately tumble the moment I try to tussle, so basically, I could only do it as an interceptor… Seriously, couldn’t I do something to this unathletic body…!?

Rather, just give me [Swordsmanship: Katana] skill! But well, I couldn’t use katana since it was too conspicuous… I don’t have any reason to stand out like a sore thumb anyway. Eh? Saying that now was too late? I’m taking care of myself for the time being, okay!

But let’s practise it too. It’s safest to have all of my skills at a high level.

Now then, let’s compose myself and do blacksmithing already.

When I walked towards the blacksmith workshop with a slight gloom, the master stopped me.

“Hey, Miss. I’ve thought about this repeatedly, but there’s something I don’t understand… Can I ask you this? Ah, I’m not going to make you tell me how to make it, so rest assured.”

“Haa. Sure.”

“Thanks. So why did you make the handle of this katana with metal? Well, I think that the metal thread on the handle is honestly amazing, but it will kill the impact of the blade, right? Your hands will also get numb after swinging it several times, won’t it?”

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