Chapter 6 - Bathing is the Epitome of Culture

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In my search for a water source I have relocated to a nearby river, and it has been two months since then.

The carriage accident was likely around March, so spring should be about over and making way for summer.

 I was currently living in a small hut near the river. No, even this was a lot better. Truly. I was glad that the current season was warm.

 Initially, I was going for a pit-house like structure. Something like a tent.......with the wood aligned in a cone shape and the roof covered in straw.......but, later that night it was blown away by a strong wind. I cried.

 After repeatedly trying to rebuild it and failing, I started to think about alternatives. And I decided to make MP recovery potions to forcefully recover MP and strengthen the structure of the hut.

 And now it had become a hut that couldn't be blown down by the wind. One month had passed at that point. I don't want to think about those dreadful days.....

 The next goal was to improve my diet.

 Ah, but the strengthening of the hut was focused on the walls. So the leaking was quite dreadful whenever it rained.

 Eh? Ah, yes, back to the topic. Right, I was trying to improve my diet.

First, I decided to check my surroundings for any dangerous animals or easy prey. There wasn't any dangerous animals nearby, but there also wasn't any easy prey.

 But I found several trees that produce edible berries and some edible mushrooms. I also confirmed that there weren't any dangerous monsters nearby. Thinking back, I was quite surprised as it was during that time I had obtained the skills [Alert] and [Detection].

 Alert was a skill that reacted to danger or ambushes. In other words, it could be said as improved intuition....

 Detection was a skill that could sense things in the surrounding area. Apparently, when detection becomes higher leveled it will become able to identify race or threat level.

 However, the meals weren't always stable or balanced. So, I took nutritional supplements along with rice balls to fill my stomach. Yes, it was easy to create.....and thanks to that I didn't have to worry about the nutrient balance anymore.

 Sorry... I lied. I wanted to eat delicious foods. Ahhhh! I miss the satisfying days in Japan.....

 As such, I had tried creating an actual meal full of seasoning, but due to the amount of MP cost it couldn't be done.

So I tried creating just salt itself, but in exchange for the large MP cost the amount of salt created was too little.

 As for spices, there were peppers and herbs growing naturally within the area. And since I lived by myself in my previous life I had to learn how to cook, so I was able to manage with the ingredients.

 No, a delicious meal is important, so it can't be helped.

That aside, once I manage to secure proper clothing, food, shelter and ensure the safety of the area, I think I will try improving the living environment.

 Yes, which means a bath.

 Hm? Shouldn't I try improving the house first? No, of course the bath comes first! Bathing in the river is cold! And I don't want to be led astray by [Clean]. As for fatigue, I have that covered thanks to the recovery potion.

 My current bathing area was created by digging up a part of the riverbed using earth magic. Then a large amount of stones were placed to separate it from the river and the water was replaced with hot water.

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