Chapter 43 - Somehow, It Seems The Situation Has Changed?

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After defeating the ogre lord and talking to the guild master, I returned back to the road where I helped the adventurers earlier and resumed northward towards Harula.
But I was walking unsteadily since I had used too much MP. Let’s take a break for a bit…

Along the way, I saw an area that appeared to be the emergency gathering place for the subjugation party in the distance. The two adventurers I helped earlier were likely amongst them. That aside, there were quite a lot of people gathered. Were there also many injuries?
It seems the group noticed me and started waving towards me. I gave a slight bow and passed by. I basically just wanted to avoid any troublesome run-ins.

After a while, I managed to arrive at a place where I could see the gates leading into Harula. I could also see children gathering herbs in the surroundings. Yep, but I couldn’t take it anymore.
I sat down and took a break. To be frank, I didn’t really have much stamina to begin with.

As I sat beside the road, drinking water and resting, carriages carrying people related to the ogre subjugation party and guild officials passed by numerous times. They were probably manpower recruited to transport the ogre corpses.
Ahh, it must be rough for everyone.
As I was watching, the guild master came riding along in a carriage.

“…What are you doing here?”

“I was taking a break because I got tired. I don’t really have that much stamina.”

“Aren’t you pretty close to the town already?"


“…I see. You’re almost there, do your best.”

“I will do my best.”

He had a really complicated expression on his face, but I ignored it. I was still just an E rank and I was also still just a child. So wasn’t this just natural?

As I sat there, a party of probably C ranks passed by in front of me and started pointing and laughing at me. I could hear some outrageous things being said.

Yep, that’s right I’m weak. But this weakling was also the one that saved you all.

But I didn’t say anything since it would be troublesome. Besides, I was an adult on the inside. As such, I would overlook them and move on.
Rather, did they really not notice anything when they saw Norn beside me? Were they really that shortsighted? Well, I guess there were just low-level C ranks. What disappointing C Ranks!

A bit later, the two adventurers I helped earlier also came along.

“What are you doing here?”

“I’m resting because I’m tired. I don’t really have that much stamina.”

“…Is that so.”

The two of them also had complicated expressions. I didn’t really get what they all wanted from me.

“Ah, right. We wanted to express our gratitude to you again. Thank you for saving us.”

“Don’t mention it.”

“That’s right… uh, you’re planning on staying in Harula for a while again, right? If you need anything or if there’s something you don’t understand, tell us. As long as it’s within our power, we will help you.”

“Yeah, if it’s within our capabilities, we’ll definitely help.”

“We’re not saying you have to or anything, so just keeping it in mind is alright.”

“Alright, then at that time, I will rely on you two.”

Yep, these two gave off a good vibe. Unlike a certain somebody.

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