Chapter 79 - Ever Had Time Fly On A Wiki Binge?

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Today, I went straight to the Adventurer’s Guild from the morning after shooting the troublesome Edward a side glance. Naturally, Norn and Bell followed me to make up for my escorts. They hadn’t been doing anything other than securing food lately, so I wanted to do something to make up for that. Hmm.

Well, I was going to the Adventurer’s Guild, but my purpose today was the reference room. I wanted to find out about the magic sword. Even if they didn’t give detailed materials, it would be nice to have some information.

Since I was walking slowly to the guild while thinking of some random things, here’s the summary of Edward’s situation for the past two days! I personally didn’t really care, though…

When comparing Arnold’s sons —the eldest son Alphonse with the second son Edward— Ed was more talented. For the record, Alphonse was expected to be the successor, but Arnold was also training Ed while complimenting his second son who had the potential to grow more. However, Ed had grown into a braggart and became arrogant once they took their eyes off him for a while. Not to mention, he developed bad habits that I had pointed out before.

Then what made it worse was that Ed was in his rebellion age. He opposed everything that the master said to him. He still rebelled even after taking so many punches, really a hardcore idiot!

Alphonse was someone who trained his foundation in a stoic and cool manner. He didn’t have any rebellious age, so the master thought that parenting was something this simple… Bewildered by Ed who acted completely different from the eldest son, the master was lost and didn’t know what he should do anymore.

Still, as Delia pointed out to Ed, they might have to expel Ed. The reason was how he caused a bad reputation and how they couldn’t tolerate him at all. And right at that moment, I smashed Ed up.

By the way, some of the bad reputations seemed to be about how the master and the son of the workshop across the street had a bad relationship. Everyone knew his bad habits around the time he entered his rebellion period, so the majority of the reaction was, “His personality is even worse now, huh?” Just how far would you make it worse, Edward…

I didn’t see it, but after I smashed his pride, Edward was dejected and unable to accept the reality. But he renewed himself in the next morning and became as obedient as a child!

The master was worried that he might have to disown his biological son like that, so he thanked me a lot. However, I didn’t really like how he expressed his attitude by slapping my back. It was really painful. But well, I received another mithril after that, so whatever…

But I believe master should work a little harder on raising his children. Seriously.

Once I reached the end of my thought, I noticed that I had arrived in the guild! I immediately came after having my breakfast, so it was really crowded… ah, this was the peak time in the morning! I forgot that everyone in the workshop started their day from early in the morning. I also ate breakfast quickly. That’s why I came at the most crowded time, I guess? I made a little blunder here…

As I entered the lobby from the entrance, quite a few people were looking at me with a surprised face. …I know, Norn was really big.

Both of them had been getting bigger recently. It might be because I fed them with various dishes these days, right? Bell had grown to the mature size, and Norn was bigger than me. Maybe like a large tiger? Around three-meter? I could even get on her now. Yeah, she was big… Norn, you’re surprising everyone.

“What is that…?”

“Greater Wolf?”

“No, it’s too big.”

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