Chapter 23 - No Mercy!

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Although there were various problems, we finally arrived at the town of Harula. It was nice that we were able to arrive before sunset. Harula was a large town surrounded by walls. For the time being, I was planning to live here. But I haven't decided on how long.

We weren't able to immediately enter the town.

In this world. there were various restrictions for entering a town.

First, you need a citizen card in order to enter a town. I believe there was some other official name for the card, but I wasn't sure what it was called.

The family register system in this world was surprisingly well managed. As soon as a person was born, a birth report would be submitted to the government office and the newborn's magic pattern would be registered. After the registration was completed, a citizen card would be issued. The name, date of birth, and birthplace of the owner was written on this card, and the owner's magic pattern would also be registered on the card. As such, this made it impossible to use another person's card. Even counterfeit cards would be discovered immediately.

So when a person enters a town, they would need to present this card and it would be held over a special magic tool. At the same time, the owner would also hold their hand over another magic tool. The magic tools would confirm the person's identity and any criminal records. The magic technology was quite amazing.

Additionally, if a person had a criminal record, they wouldn't be able to enter the town if the crime was very serious.

...It seems that I didn't have this card with me when I was abandoned at the orphanage. Furthermore, somehow my magic pattern had never been registered before. As such, I really didn't know where I was born.

But I did currently have the card which was issued to me after I was taken in by the orphanage.

The annoying system was put in place as a means to stabilize tax revenues, and some great person in the past also decided it would work as crime prevention system too.

But towns and villages that didn't have the crime prevention system in place were also actually quite safe.

Since bandits would only be able to use the money they stole from travelers in places where the crime prevention system was lacking, these sort of places were generally safe from attacks. The world was complicated in various ways...

That aside! After clearing the admission check I would finally be able to enter the town... it should've been easy, but as expected we were stopped. The reason was simple.

Norn and Bell.

I wasn't an adventurer, so I couldn't enter the town as a tamer. Essentially, the guards were afraid that I couldn't keep Norn under control and there could be danger.

Furthermore, I also didn't want to take off my hood. I didn't have any criminal record, so it wasn't like it mattered anyways.

As I was wondering over what to do, Nicole spoke up and defended me. He said the wolves were obedient to me and were very mature.

I agree, these two were very smart. Speaking of which, we were close enough now that I'm allowed to fluff their fur! Super cute!

But I had to pay a fee to bring Norn and Bell into the town. 2 silver coins for each of them. Since I wasn't an adventurer. Quite strict, right? Since this was the case, I should register as an adventurer as quick as possible. Otherwise, it would be troublesome in many ways.

Thus, we were finally able to enter the town, but we headed straight towards the guild. Since I had a promise to keep with Nicole. And because I wanted to register as an adventurer. We continued on through the town in the carriage. Norn and Bell were now riding with us.

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