Chapter 20 - Sorry, But These Are My Glasses

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 The carriage swayed back and forth under the glowing sun. The ride was pleasant. Hello, everyone. This is Ren. With glasses. Do the glasses make me look smarter?

 Due to the water deal, I was able to hitch a ride on the carriage to my destination. I made it sound like I was engaging in something shady, but all I did was share some water with them.

 The carriage I was riding was a large, covered wagon. There were two horses pulling it. There was also various amounts of goods in the luggage area.

 The merchant and a young boy were riding coach. After conversing for a while, I learned that the merchant's name was Nicole and he was 29 years old. He was married and has a child. Apparently, he also has a shop in Harula.

 The young boy's name was Lloyd and he was 13 years old. Apparently, he's a child who lives within their neighborhood.

 And the little girl sitting in the front with me was called Elsa. She's Nicole's daughter and was 7 years old. It seems usually Nicole's son would come instead, but this time Elsa forcefully decided to come with her father. Perhaps, she's a bit of a tomboy?

 Finally, the two escorts sitting in the back near the luggage. I believe their names were Kimble and Ziggy. I think they're in their late twenties. To be honest, I'm not really interested in them.

 Also Norn and Bell were slightly away from us. If they came too close the horses would panic.

 I was currently acting as Elsa's conversing partner in the shaking carriage.

"And there's more! So my brother-"

 This child sure talks a lot. Isn't she afraid she might bite her tongue by accident?

 If that happened she might be easier to deal with. As these random thoughts passed through my mind, I continued listening absentmindedly.

 This girl... Although Elsa had forced her way onto this trip, since Nicole and Lloyd were both busy, the two couldn't attend to her. And the two escorts weren't good conversation partners either since they were rather vulgar, so she had been fairly bored during the trip.

 It seems Elsa was happy that she was able to ride with someone of a similar age, and the amount of fervor she talked with gradually increased.

 Even now, she was still talking.

 Nicole was smiling wryly while watching his daughter. Lloyd? It felt like he was fully concentrated on steering the carriage.

 And the two escorts have been scowling the entire time due to Elsa's continuous talking. These two gave off a bad feeling.

"Sheesh! Big sis, are you listening to me!?"

 It's alright, I'm properly paying attention. I was holding a piece of wrought iron in my hand while listening. It was still difficult to change the wrought iron into tamahagane. But with a bit more effort, I should be able to make a short sword using this.

 After a while, we decided to take a short break around noon.

 We were at another campground, the area was spacious and was fairly leveled. A small forest could be seen a bit further away.

 Nicole went to check the surroundings. It seems they were planning on eating here, that aside, Elsa had also asked me for a favor. Picking flowers.

 Ah, I've done that before too, so I understand.

 I moved towards the forest with Elsa who had an appreciative look on her face. Norn and Bell also followed behind us. They were acting as guards.

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