Chapter 96 Part 1 - Mister Trouble, The Way Home Is Over There

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“I’ll ask you again, Ricardo… why are you here?”


A fight between the two men began to unfold right in front of me! Just what on earth do you want me to do? All I wanted to do was continue the class. Please fight somewhere else.

“Gim, I’ll continue the lesson, so please take your seat.”

“Huh? No, Teacher… Are you starting the class in this situation? We haven’t resolved this matter yet, right? Teacher, you’re also involved here, you know?”

I wasn’t involved anymore, though? I said most of what I wanted to say, and that guy ended up saying something that sounded like he was threatening me. For me, the conversation ended at that point. What’s left depends on the attitude of the other party.

Then, another person suddenly appeared and started arguing with the rude guy, so this had nothing to do with me, okay?

“What should I do with these people? They suddenly appeared and started quarreling, didn’t they?”

“No, no. Teacher, that reaction is too strange!”

Even if you said that…

“Ricardo, this young lady is the rumored saint?”

“That’s… yes, you’re correct.”

Wrong! When did I become a saint! I want them to stop this annoying rumor!

“She looks furious… What did you do?”


“Gilmouth, I’ll explain!”

“Oh, Gim. Sorry, but please do that.”

“P-please wait a moment! That’s, I…!”

“No, you’ll just twist the story around to make it sound like you were the one who was right.”

“Are you saying that I’m lying?”

“Yeah. You’ve made false testimony before. But Gim wouldn’t do that. Looking at how both of you have acted up to now, I know that Gim can at least be trusted.”

“Thanks, Gilmouth. You see…”

Hmm, they started talking as they pleased. I want to continue the lesson, though… Judging from the flow of their conversation, the old man who just appeared seemed to be the guild master. I was kind of angry with the person who proclaimed himself as part of the guild staff, but since I started the fight, you could say that had something to do with me. But I don’t think I can explain it well. After all, I didn’t know the man’s circumstances. Since Gim said that he could explain it, it would save me the trouble. Let’s rely on him for this matter.

Then, Gim explained in detail about the behavior and attitude of the rude self-proclaimed guild staff person. As soon as Gilmouth understood the story, his face turned sullen. He glared at the man.

“Ricardo, I told you that I would manage this matter, right? Why did you do things as you like?”

“That’s… There’s no need for you, Master, to take part in this small matter…”

“I said that this is a delicate matter that will affect the guild’s future. Since we’re the one asking for help, we can’t afford to make any mistakes here.”

“But… she’s a child. Master doesn’t need to…”

“It doesn’t matter what her age is. We’re asking for her help, so of course we have to be polite! You can’t even understand that!?”

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