Chapter 121 - Ahh, Troublesome...

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The next morning, I woke up after having trouble sleeping well.

The cause was obvious. Yes, it’s Kuro. Like the last time I stayed here, a battle to sleep with me broke out again. And of course, Kuro easily won. She cheated at rock-paper-scissors using her super high speed.

It would be impossible for ordinary humans to win against her, wouldn’t it?

Even with my [Hawk’s Eyes] skill, I could only barely see it. It would be impossible to immediately change the hand signs since the physical body couldn’t keep up with one’s reaction speed. It was even harder for Triela and the girls. They would still lose, no matter how much they struggled unless they trained a lot. Don’t you think the capability difference between races is a bit too extreme…?

Aside from that, the reason ‌I was so sleepy was that Kuro clung firmly to me in my chest as she slept. Yes, I became her body pillow.

Looking down, Kuro’s face was completely buried in my chest. How come she didn’t have any trouble breathing with that posture?

However, Kuro was a cat beastfolk, so she didn’t like cold weather. Even when we were still in the orphanage, she sometimes sneaked into Triela’s or my blanket in the winter. It’s not like I didn’t expect this at all… But this is a different matter altogether. If she won’t let me go, I won’t be able to get up!

After that, Kuro didn’t release me until she woke up.

What about the meal preparations, you ask? Arle prepared it. That being said, everyone woke up late, so we had a pretty late breakfast. Well, they should be tired with all that happened recently, so it couldn’t be helped.

After the meal, they decide to go to the guild branch office to sell the orc they hunted on our way home. But I was going back to the workshop without accompanying them there. By the way, I stored the corpse of the orc and brought it to this house.

Eh? How would Triela and the others bring the orc to the guild after I went back? You see… I gave them a carry cart before, so they could use that to carry it.

Well, the orc was actually so big that it stuck out of the cart. Everyone had to hold the orc’s limbs and push the cart so it wouldn’t fall down.

If I helped these kids solve all of their problems, they wouldn’t be able to achieve anything at all.

I wouldn’t just spoil them all the time, okay?… Maybe.

When I returned to the workshop from Triela’s house, everyone in the workshop greeted me.

Hey, I couldn’t move if you surround me like that… And Master slapped my back powerfully. It hurts, so stop! For real! It hurts! Stop!

When I went to my room and checked my back in my room at night, I had a huge handprint there. That made me cry. I got rid of it after drinking an advanced healing potion.

But if I couldn’t make it disappear, I seriously wouldn’t be able to wear anything stylish my entire life. I nearly lost my chance to become a wife. Well, I didn’t intend to be one, though.

And I finally resumed my blacksmith training, starting the next day! Anyway, I started it immediately, but… When I was about to have a meal during the lunch break, Ed came out of the forge used to practice and called me out.

“Teacher! I have a request!”

Eh, I don’t want to hear it.

Seems like my thoughts came out to my face before I could reply to him. Not to mention, I most likely had an awfully unpleasant expression.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2023 ⏰

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