Chapter 77 - Can't Reach The Itchy Spot

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Two lessons had passed since the number of members for the lunch break and study session increased by one.

I prepared the same small blackboard and chalks with what I gave to Triela for Rico. Rather, I pretended to go and take it from my storage even though I made a new one and handed it over to her. With that, I began to teach her, but…

To be honest, I was making light of Rico’s motivation. She was a very fast learner. I could even say that she was faster than Triela. In our third study session, she had already caught up with Triela’s progress. Since I taught Rico after teaching Triela first, I could see how fast Rico learned the basics.

“…Rico is a very fast learner. You’re even faster than Triela.”

“Really? Ehehe, did you hear that? I’m better than Triela!”

“Don’t get carried away!”

“Triela is being violent~!”

You guys shouldn’t quarrel. Let’s get along well, okay?

“Both of you have learned the basic kanji. It should be okay for you to start learning difficult kanji. Since Triela already learned katakana, I think it should be okay for Rico to ask Triela if there’s something you don’t understand.”

They have learned up to this point, so the rest was up to their determination. Good luck, both of you!

“I can read the books in the reference room now, right!”

“Hmm, but I’m still not very good with the difficult kanji… I can only ask the librarian for the kanji I don’t understand.”

“It’s not like you’re asking them to read the whole text like before, so don’t worry too much.”

“Is that so?”


Now then. Since the study time was over, how about having our lunch?

Today’s menu was rice balls. It wasn’t the type where the ingredients were in the middle, but seasoned rice balls. These rice balls had a mixture of minced vegetables and chicken meat in the rice. The other dish was pork miso soup. But since the meat wasn’t pork but orc meat, so orc soup? …For some reason, it suddenly sounded indecent. Hmm, let’s just go with pork miso soup.

“Let’s eat.”

“Yay! Thank you!”

While handing the rice ball and miso soup to both of them, I also prepared Norn and Bell’s share. They were curling up on my feet. Eat lots, yeah?

What I learned from feeding them a lot of dishes recently was that Norn seemed to like miso and meals with soy sauce. Therefore, today’s lunch hit right on the mark. Norn’s tail was swinging around. Bell basically ate everything. Even so, she didn’t like bitter food.

…I think Norn was getting bigger these days, but it was probably because I fed her a lot of things… I felt like I could even ride her back now.

“…You even prepared our meals even after you taught us how to read and write. Is this really okay?”

“I don’t mind. Plus, it’s more delicious to eat together.”

“That’s right~ It’s more delicious to eat together~!”

“Rico, you… Hah, okay then. Thanks, Ren. I’ll gratefully eat it!”

“Yes, eat up.”

“Today’s meal is delicious too~”

“This is rice? Was rice always this delicious? When we ate it in the orphanage, wasn’t it hard and unappetizing?”

“There’s a trick in cooking it. Once you get used to it, you can cook it deliciously.”

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