Chapter 75 - Plan To Strengthen The Fledgling Adventurer

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“Ren! What’s up with that sword, isn’t it a bit strange!?”

Three days after our reunion, Triela was now yelling at me. Or to be more precise, she was waiting for me at the back entrance, and got angry at me when I showed up. I’m not really sure why.

”Ah, and the food was delicious! Everyone was so happy! Thank you!”

“You’re welcome. So was there something wrong with the sword? Did it perhaps break by any chance?”

That’s strange. It’s supposed to be made so that it wouldn’t break easily.

“Ah, it’s not like it broke or anything like that.”

“Hmm? Then, what’s wrong?”

…So it seems three days ago, after we had lunch and separated, she had gone to the guild’s resource room. Like I said, there were many things there that she had wanted to know. That being said, Triela couldn’t read many characters. So she had pleaded with the librarian and asked them to teach her.

Apparently, her companions also had a great time that night with the sandwiches I made or something like that. That stupid Cain was also eating too. 𝓕𝓾𝓬𝓴!

And the next day, she had gone to the forest on the east side to gather herbs in order to test out what she had learned in the resource room. There were a total of eight people who left the orphanage with her, including Triela and Cain, so the expenses for food and rent was quite high.

And so, like usual she had gone with them and divided into two groups, one to learn more about gathering herbs and the other to earn money. Since she had just learned it yesterday at the resource room, as expected, she wasn’t entirely confident in herself. And as usual, they split up and Triela decided to join the gathering group.

But judging from the results, Triela was successful. Up until then, the earnings from the herb gathering group weren’t too great, and even with adding in earnings from miscellaneous requests, the total would at most equal to around a silver coin. In most cases, the earnings from gathering herbs would be about 7 small silver coins, but the earnings for that day was 5 silver coins. Apparently, it was the highest amount ever.

Incidentally, the monetary unit in this world is called gil. Going from the bottom, the coins begin with small copper coin, copper coin, small silver coin, silver coin, small gold coin, and gold coin. In terms of gil, a small copper coin would equal 1 gil. A copper coin would equal 10 gil. And the monetary value continues to increase by 10x beyond that. There’s also currency under 1 gil, but I’ll spare you the details. Going from my senses, 1 gil feels about equal to 1-10 yen. The range is kind of large? Well, there’s also various elements like price fluctuations, time period, and such.

 Anyways, moving on.

The large room at the inn where Triela and the others were staying cost seven coppers a night, per person. For eight people, that would be five small silver coins and six copper coins in total. Adding in food expenses, it was just barely safe.

And on that day alone, they had made more than seven times the usual amount of money. So naturally, everyone was in an uproar. Apparently, Triela had misled everyone and given the explanation that she had been informed by a kind blacksmith. She also explained that the food from the previous day was also given by the same person.

Naturally, the next day, Triela went out again with the gathering group. But apparently, half of the other group that would normally go out to accept miscellaneous requests within the city, decided to go to the guild’s resource room to study. So with half of eight people remaining splitting into two groups, there’s only two people per group? Yep, knowledge is a weapon, so it’s important to study.

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