Chapter 21 - A Young Girl Being Surprised by Another Young Girl

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 I was also in the swaying carriage today and talking with Elsa. Two days have passed since I started riding with them, but she was still as talkative as ever. I'm honestly impressed.

 Speaking of which, Elsa accidently revealed that I could use the Cleaning skill. Although, the Cleaning skill was difficult to learn, there were still quite a few people who could use it, so it turned out alright. But it seemed that the two escorts had become more interested in me after finding out that I had additionally skills, and the two were currently staring at me. I wonder what the two were expecting of me. But I want them to stop. The two of them were looking towards my chest.

 I could also hear bits and pieces of the two escort's conversation, "If we could get our hands on those skills, our life would be much easier." and "We could force her." and some other rowdy and dangerous sounding things... I would never ever form a party with these two people. After reaching the city I didn't want to be involved with them anymore.

 Since their conversation interested me, I decided to take a look at their statuses.

 I recall hearing before at the orphanage that acquiring skills was quite difficult. But I had acquire the skills rather quickly during my time living in the forest. So I didn't really know the exact standard for how quick people could learn skills, so I thought I could use them as references.

 There was only a limited number of ways to see the statuses of other people in this world. I remember someone telling me that it would be impossible to use skills to peek on other people's status unless the skill level was really high. The Appraisal skill could check other people's statuses when it reached LV5. Since my Appraisal skill was LV9, it just barely made it. Hm? Barely?

 That aside, let's just check the status of these two~

Kimble 31 Years old
Race: Human
Occupation: Rank D Adventurer
HP: 250/250
MP: 12/12
STR: 12
VIT: 13
DEX: 4
AGI: 5
INT: 4
MGC: 4
CHA: 3
LUK: 5
Skills:» Thrash LV1 «

Ziggy 30 Years old
Race: Human
Occupation: Rank D Adventurer
HP: 300/300
MP: 10/10
STR: 13(+4)
VIT: 14
DEX: 3
AGI: 4
INT: 4
MGC: 4
CHA: 3
LUK: 4
Skills:» Brute Strength LV2 (STR+4) «

 Eh, what's this? How weak.

 Eh? Was that all? Their statuses were rather, what to say. I suppose it was to be expected, or rather within my expectations. Although, in a head-on fight I would likely lose. But their skill levels are low! I think the two have likely been adventurers for a while now considering their ages. Is this really it? Adventurers, huh...

 No, wait a minute! Maybe, these two are just exceptions! Otherwise, the fact that I was able to reach LV5 so easily would be a bit of a shock. Let's just not worry about it!

 I was a bit uneasy, so I snuck a look at Nicole's status just in case.

Nicole 39 Years old
Race: Human
Occupation: Merchant
HP: 180/180
MP: 50/50
STR: 9(+2)
VIT: 11
DEX: 10
AGI: 7
INT: 15
MGC: 8
CHA: 9
LUK: 9
Skills:» Life Magic LV3 • Connoisseur LV4 • Haggle LV3 • Negotiation LV5 • Survival LV2 «
» Brute Strength LV1 (STR+2) «
» Resistance: Hunger LV1 • Resistance: Fatigue LV1 «

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