Chapter 69 - Scene Of Alleged Bribery

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The next day after returning from the forest, Arisa took me to the artisan district.

We were going to see the blacksmith who she had promised to introduce me to before. Additionally, Lily also came with us. The atmosphere over here is different than the marketplace and the main district.

“Right… I don’t come to this part of the eastern sector too often so…”

“Lily, even when you come to the eastern sector, you only visit the magic-related shops~”

There were various different kinds of craftsmen in the eastern sector, which is considered the artisan district, but basically craftsmen of similar fields were concentrated here. Blacksmithing, leatherwork, magic tools, weaving, clothing, and so on.

The blacksmith’s workshop was also located here, the sound of striking iron could be heard, but other than that, the atmosphere was surprisingly quiet.

“The blacksmith’s workshop we’re going to is a place where one of the most skilled masters in the royal capital is located~”

“But they’re not on good terms with the master of the workshop from across the street, right?”

“They used to work at the same workshop, and I heard that they were on good terms then~”

“The workshop where they originally worked no longer exists, so do you mean the original branch?”

“Something like that~ By the way, it seems that the workshop opposite of them is leaning towards the magic field recently~”

”But the place we’re heading now is purely focused on improving their blacksmithing skills, right?”

I guess everyone’s fighting similar battles… I’m also interested in my Magic Conferment skill, but right now I just want to focus on leveling my blacksmithing skill, so I’m glad they’re just focusing on that area.

“And we’re here~”

Somehow, it just feels like a good store. The glass show window even showcases various swords and armor, and I can see the inside of the store too. Although the swords being showcased don’t look very practical, are they just meant for decoration or for ceremonies? They do look nice though. But the blade itself is different, it looks like it was forged to be able to withstand actual battle. I can tell due to Appraisal.

“Then let’s go in~ Hello~”

With a ring, we opened the door and entered the store. There was a counter just after entering the store, and a young male store attendant was sitting on a chair. The counter could be entered from the side, and a hallway that appeared to lead to the back could be seen.

Are these noises coming from their hammer sounds? There’s a lot of swords on display too. The room is filled with the smell of iron and oil, this is definitely a blacksmith! This feeling.

“Ah, Miss Hamilton and the young miss. How may I help you today?”

“Is the master in? I have a request~”

“The master is in the back. I’ll call him, so please have a seat and wait a moment.”

The young male shop attendant went into the back hallway, so we sat down and waited.

“I think he’ll probably not come out right away~”

“Ren, there sure are a lot of swords, right?”

“It is a blacksmith’s workshop, after all~”

I didn’t want to just sit around wait, I also wanted to see the swords on display to pass the time.

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