Chapter 88 - Here He Comes

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Today, I met Triela on the back alley. Together with Rico.

And as usual, we had a good chat over meals. Eh, study? Ah, I just finished teaching them a while ago. The lesson was simple calculations. As long as they could do addition and subtraction, they should’ve covered the basics.

“Today’s food is delicious too!”

“Rico, please restrain yourself a little more… Haa.”

By the way, today’s meal was grilled rice balls. Personally, this was my favorite. Be it freshly made or cooled, it still tasted delicious. Other than that was a vegetable soup I made from soup broth using horned rabbit bones. It was also pretty good. Hmm.

“If she doesn’t eat well, she won’t grow up, you know?”

“Yeah! Isn’t that right, Triela?”

“You guys… Haa.”

Well, I’d been eating a lot, but I was this short. …Eh? My current height? Maybe around 139 cm. I could see my height using [Analysis] skill. Eh? I told you that I was 140 cm a little over a year ago? Shut up, it was my wishful thinking! Leave me alone! Actually, I had grown by around 1 cm since that accident.

But then, 138cm should have been the average height of a ten years old girl in modern Japan, and I was also considered the tallest one in the orphanage… But maybe that could also mean that the kids in the orphanage lacked nutrition?

“By the way, what happened after you guys went home that day?”

“Ohh, that. It’s awesome. The three fools made a fuss when they saw the weapon. Then they were overjoyed after seeing the meat and became noisy. The people at the inn were very angry at them.”

“After that, they found out that Triela and the others had eaten earlier, so they became even noisier. Even I wouldn’t get angry over such a trivial matter!”

“Rico, I already apologized to you, right? You’re persistent.”

“I’m not angry, though.”

Rico was an understanding child, so she wouldn’t fret over this kind of thing. I’m sure they were just bantering… right? Don’t fight, okay?

“And then, Ryuu showed us how idiotic he was by swinging his spear in the room. He almost hit Arle, so all of the girls beat the shit out of him.”

“It’s better if he died.”

“Ren, killing him will be a bit too extreme, won’t it… And the next day, we go out and practise rabbit hunting. Since we have enough money, we decided to make sure everyone is used to the spear.”

“I see. That sounds good.”

“But after getting used to it to some extent, we plan to continue collecting herbs. It’s not like we can always catch a lot of rabbits after all. I mean, we could only catch four rabbits even after hunting until evening on the first day. So we didn’t want to rely on hunting too much. We caught a lot of rabbits when Ren was with us, but your wolves must have helped a lot, right?”

“Yes, these kids are clever.”

“After that, the three fools complained about asking the store to process the rabbit’s fur and meat. Just as Ren expected.”

“They are idiots after all.”

It was clear that they never thought ahead.

If the amount of meat they could secure increased, it would be possible to reduce the cost of food in winter by storing it in preparation for winter. Yet all they wanted to do was to eat as much as they could. Really stupid.

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