Chapter 78 - Laughing Is Offensive By Nature

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To be honest, I was making light of Rico’s talent. So this was the real genius, huh? A naturally genius girl was really different from a fake product like me.

After teaching her two times since then, the level of her [Mana Sense] and [Mana Control] went up in no time.

Furthermore, she had successfully learned non-attribute magic. Plus it had risen to level three in no time. Wasn’t she growing faster than me?

By the way, her growth rate was insane since she spent as much time practicing it during the magic lesson after the literature and arithmetic class. A genius brimming with motivation was really amazing.

In addition, Triela had shifted to a slower direction. Yeah, it’s pointless to compare herself to Rico. Do it in moderation; slow and steady is the best option~

Now let’s return to the main subject.

I didn’t want to neglect my training because I had been teaching and taking care of other people recently. In a day or two, I train my smithing with all of my might. I wanted to reach level six of [Blacksmith] soon, really.

That’s why I focused on making swords and took my established break in the courtyard just before noon. Oh, Triela and Rico weren’t coming today. In fact, more often than not, I spent most of my time lazing around in the courtyard more than chatting and teaching.

By the way, I was chatting with the leatherworker, Delia, today. While drinking shaved ice with salt and lemon juice. The salt was important! It was summer after all.

“Ahh. It’s still hot.”

“Well, it’s August.”

“Right… Master and the others have to stay confined in the smithy, so it’s probably hell for them… Ah, that’s the same for Ren.”

“I can make ice on my own, so I think my situation is a little better.”

“Ah, you’re right.”

As so, we idly chatted, but then it seemed like the younger son came here from the smithy. Ah, calling him the younger son gave off a bad feeling, isn’t it?


Ohh, he immediately clicked his tongue after he noticed me. He really gave off a bad feeling.

“Hey, Ed! Stop it already, can’t you!?”

“Hah!? It doesn’t have anything to do with Delia, right?”

“There’s no way it has nothing to do with me!”

Oh my, Delia seemed to be on my side. Great, do it more~

“You don’t seem to understand, but because of your attitude, the neighbor’s workshop had been saying a lot of things about our master, you know?”

…I heard that the neighbor’s workshop had been treating me as a young yet skillful customer. Actually, rather than a customer, I paid them to use the smithy, but they wouldn’t know unless the craftsmen or the master talked about it.

And then, not only that the master praised my skill, but the craftsmen here also did that and it raised their motivation to improve. Yet in the midst of it, the regular tradesmen and neighbors saw that only the master’s son took an unreasonable attitude towards me.

As a result of that, a few people started saying that the master lacked leadership qualities since the master became a craftsman in his own place and couldn’t even discipline and lead his own son.

“Even master has scolded you many times. Are you actually stupid?”

“But… that’s my own actions.”

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