Chapter 107 Part 2 - Will It Be Easy Or Not?

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My sisters and brothers still lived there. The director who took care of us well was already old. When I still lived there, the coldness of the winter was already hard for us. Would the orphans die from the cold? I couldn’t let that happen.

“I’m sorry, I changed my mind. I will accept your request.”


No matter what, I couldn’t abandon someone acting as my parent and my siblings. I wasn’t that cruel.

“Yes. But I have some requirements.”


“Yes. I heard that there aren’t many blacksmiths who can forge mana swords. I believe forging a sword this time could lead to various troubles… And I have no backing. I have no measures to protect myself from trouble.”

“Then, do you want a backing?”

“No, it’s the contrary. I still have things I want to do. I don’t want to have a backing for that reason carelessly… It’ll trouble me if they take advantage of me and lock me in. I need to be free.”

“So you’re saying that you don’t want anyone to find out that you’re the one who forged the sword?”

“Yes. I want to make sure that information won’t leak out so that I don’t get into trouble.”

“I see… I understand. Then I will swear by ‘my name’ that I will guarantee your safety. I shall arrange for security around you and make sure no information will leak. So please forge the mana sword for me.”

He’s swearing by his royal name, huh.

However, I had to pretend that I didn’t know Vector was a royal family. What should I do? For now, should I make a suspicious face as the reaction?

“Miss, since he said that he’s swearing by his name, you don’t have to worry about anything else. I can guarantee he will keep his promise.”

Oh? Master could guarantee it? Ah. In other words, Master knew Vector’s origin.

“Ah, I’m sorry, Master. I said that it’s ungrateful to start a business using your kindness, but I accepted his request… Do you mind if I use the smithy?”

“Hmm? Sure. As I said earlier, don’t worry about it. The Master of Winter is a serious matter. It’s a sword needed to fight that monster, so use the smithy to your heart’s content.”

I should be polite by at least asking for his permission first. That being said, Master was unusually very generous as always.

“Thank you. Then, um… Beck?”

“…? Ah, sorry! Did I introduce myself with that name before? Can you call me Vector from now on?”

“Beck? What the heck is that? You’re Vector, aren’t you?”

“Yeah… After the subjugation three years ago, everyone around me became noisy, and I changed my base. At that time, I used a false name.”

“Did you get annoyed because your surroundings turned noisy?”

“Kind of…”

So that was the reason. But then, that was the price for his fame. He should endure it. Ah, it would be a problem if people found out about him being a royal family member, huh? Maybe he also considered that.

“Err, Vector? What kind of sword do you want?”

“Huh? …What level of skill can you grant?”

“Please leave that for the time being. Can you tell me the perfect sword you want?”

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