Chapter 12 - Norn, an Incident

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 I am now living with a dog! But I actually like cats! Well, actually they're wolves not dogs. How nice, now life won't be as lonely.

 That aside, it was around mid-October and the winter season was drawing near. It was cold. Gardening was getting difficult, so I had harvested all the vegetables and had stopped for the upcoming winter.

 I was now preparing for winter and increasing my hunting frequency. Time to secure meat! But in the worst case I could manage with Creation Magic.

 Hm? Is the way I'm speaking reverting back to normal? Yep, it is. I've grown tired of it.

 I ran into a group of orcs several days ago, it was a group of ten orcs. Hm? Did I think I was about to die? No, it was just beyond what I had expected I guess?

 I hadn't detected the Orc group with Detection. Instead, Norn, the mother wolf that I befriended had warned me of them. And so I was able to snipe them from a distance.

 As such, I was able to obtain a lot of pork or rather orc meat. Orc meat is edible and often used as a source of meat. Plus, it tastes just like pork. But, orc meat is expensive so I never had a chance of eating it at the orphanage.

 Moving on, there was Norn. I thought she was a bit too smart, so after annihilating the orc group I had used Appraisal on her.

Norn: 50 Years old
Race: Fenrir
Occupation: Monster; Ren's Friend
HP: 450/450
MP: 80/80
STR: 18
VIT: 15
DEX: 15
AGI: 30
INT: 15
MGC: 15
CHA: 15
LUK: 10

Skills:» Magic: Water LV3 • Magic: Wind LV3 • Magic: Ice LV3 • Magic: Electic LV3 «
» Alert LV6 • Detection LV7 • Stealth LV7 «
» Magic Attribute Aptitude: Water • Wind • Ice • Electic «

 A Fenrir was a super rare monster from legends, so I was quite thankful.

 They were about slightly larger than a normal wolf, and Norn was about 2m when we first met.

 According to legends, Fenrirs could also speak, but it seems Norn would still be considered young so she didn't know how to talk yet. But she seems to understand what I am saying, so I'm looking forward to the day where we can talk.

 Furthermore, as a Fenrir grows older it will become classified as a divine beast instead of a monster. However, it apparently can take up to hundreds or even thousands of years for that to happen. Which is a shame.

 Norn's skill levels were also higher than mine. However, she was still somehow injured, I think she might've been ambushed or something. But still for something to be able to bypass a LV7 Alert skill and injure her, there was probably something really strong living in this forest.

 It might not even be safe here too, so I should consider relocating somewhere else.

 Hmm. Oh right, moving on to Bell.

Bell: 1 Years old
Race: Fenrir
Occupation: Monster; Norn's Daughter
HP: 20/20
MP: 5/5
STR: 5
VIT: 5
DEX: 5
AGI: 15
INT: 8
MGC: 8
CHA: 8
LUK: 5

Skills:» Alert LV1 • Detection LV1 • Stealth LV1 «
» Magic Attribute Aptitude: Water • Wind • Ice • Electic «

 Bell was still a child, but some of her status were still higher than mine. Like STR for example. It's not like I'm jealous or anything! So let's just fluff her up a bit! Anyways, with these sort of feeling we finished up hunting and returned home.

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