Chapter 86 - Plain Yet Relatively Important Training - Second Part

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Okay, today was the second day of my serious training. But then, I was only going to make swords used as the materials for making magic swords. With that, the days of my plain training began...!

Since I'd already talked to the master, I received a lot of extra steel. But first of all, I had to turn all of this into a smelt ingot. That being said, my [Metalwork] was already at LV10, and my [Blacksmith]'s level was also quite high. Processing them using [Creation Magic] wouldn't consume much of my MP.

Well, even if the consumption was actually a little heavy, my MP had increased dramatically yesterday. Probably, it was because I kept using it continuously to make a magic sword yesterday. All of a sudden, it went from 650 to 950. The increase was a bit abrupt, wasn't it?

But then, I could handle the strain of using too many MP now, so first, I converted all of the steel materials in this room into ingots. Here I go! ...Right, it was pretty easy. Since all sorts of magic-related skills had improved in level, that should be the reason, I guess?

After that, I stored everything in [Storage] and moved to the usual blacksmith workshop I rented. Then I immediately forged the swords. Keep smithing and smithing.

Thanks to my various skill level-ups, my speed on forging the swords were extremely fast. Taking one hour to finish a sword was too insane. Unbelievable.

Well, I don't really mind, though... Yeah, I just thought that this started to become a production cheat, you know? But once it actually happened, I felt somewhat strange... 

I kept forging from eight in the morning until eleven in the noon, planning to finish three swords for the time being. After that, it took me one hour to wrap up everything. Twelve o'clock, it was already lunchtime... I took a look at the swords I finished using [Appraisal], but their quality wasn't the 'highest quality', but 'excellent sword'. What a shocking development. The heck is that!?

'Excellent sword' shouldn't be something one could easily make, right!? [Blacksmith] LV8 was that amazing!? No, too crazy! To think that I could forge excellent swords without any difficulty now... it would be dangerous if someone found out, wouldn't it!?

I shouldn't show this to the master even if he asked me to show the sword I forged... Since I had given attributes to all of my previous forged swords, I couldn't show those to him too. This is bad... what should I do...?

By the way, after surpassing 'excellent sword', the quality would turn into 'supreme sword'. That was the highest rank of sword quality. If I could forge that, I had no choice but to escape from this place.

Huh? By running away, it probably meant that my blacksmith training was over, right?

With such a thing in my mind, it was already afternoon. During lunch, I desperately tried not to behave in a strange way. Somehow, I'm already tired...

Now then, I couldn't just stop forging swords. The level of [Magic Sword Creation] and so on went up at a stretch yesterday. But since I managed to do that considering how I had a lot of swords as the materials, I couldn't do anything else without going on the straight path from here.

Hmm, but I was already bored with this. Even though I could see my goal properly, I had been doing the same thing for almost two months now. Maybe I should do something different for a while? Look, how about making a katana? I had challenged myself to make it, but it all ended up in failure. But now, I had a lot of blacksmithing skills. It should be okay.

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