Chapter 118 - Hey, Just Do It Already!

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Hello, this is Ren. Currently, I was too frustrated that I wanted to bite a handkerchief.

I defeated the giant, but I ran away to avoid everyone’s attention. Then I took out my house in the previous spot and sulked in bed.

I should filch the magic stone… Damn it.

However, I collected all the corpses of the small fries I defeated, so I had a decent quality of magic stones, furs, meats, and many more. Let’s give up on the giant’s magic stone. I’ll put up with it. How disappointing.

When I was feeling down, it turns out Norn collected the corpse of White Fang, the middle boss!

Although the quality was ‌lower than that of Frost Giant, I got the whole first-grade material. What good news! I couldn’t stop myself from jumping for joy!… But I was immediately out of breath.

I thought about this when I went to the battlefield yesterday, but I had to do something about this lack of physical strength and chronic lack of exercise. Or else it would be late once I needed it.

But I’ll do it once it gets warmer, okay? I couldn’t do any exercise outside in this cold weather! It’s okay, I’ll definitely do something in early spring. Believe in me.

Anyway, it’s already one night after my first actual battle, and I was already bored of sulking on my bed. Let’s eat something! To celebrate it, I’ll make curry! Let’s fry tonkatsu to make katsu curry.

Norn and Bell, do you want to eat it too? You want a large serving? Got it, eat a lot, yeah? You can also ask for another serving!

I want to eat pudding for dessert… By the way, both of them were standard dishes in reincarnation stories, right?

Hmm, I didn’t want to make an uproar, so I should think about the timing if I want to eat it outside.

After the meal, I changed the location of my house. I did a lot of flashy things, so I did this just in case…

And then, time to reflect on what happened yesterday. One person reflection meeting. I’m not lonely! I’m doing things solo!

Uh, but since I was a tamer, I wasn’t exactly alone? Let’s not think too much about it, I’m getting sad…

First, let’s calm down and ‌look at the problematic part during yesterday’s battle. I had to steady my safety more.

In the first place, I could only attack at a long distance, and I was ‌useless at close combat. Going to the front line to get hit by such a large monster would immediately kill me. Let’s think about how to defend myself.

That means, I should raise the level of [Barrier Magic]. As the level went up, not only the strength of the physical defense, but the ‌things that I could repel would increase. This was ‌important.

However, I felt like riding on Norn while having mobile combat was effective. Avoiding was important!

After that, let’s increase my means of attack.

I couldn’t use offensive magic because I wasn’t suited for it, and heavy bombing with a magic sword’s [Final Strike] was too overkill. In the first place, I would stand out too much.

Hmm… I know. Let’s increase the number of magic swords with [Weapon Skill].

I could substitute offensive magic with [Weapon Skill]. That being said, it would be difficult without the appropriate materials. I realized that when I was making ‘Blazer’. So first‌, I should collect the materials.

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