Chapter 110 - I'm Currying Favor? No, This Is A Bribe

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It’s morning.

Hmmm… So sleepy… And I’m the first one to wake up again. Hey, it would be impossible for these guys to go on an outing and camp, right? Won’t they die?

I guess they could make do with their utmost effort… Huh? When I calmed down and thought about it, they only had that one wracked tent. If I didn’t accompany them, would they die? Wah, I did well for accompanying them! For real!

It would be dangerous for those children not thinking far ahead like this, so I had to scold them later.

Leaving that aside, I left the carriage and got ready. Well, all I did was a simple [Washing].

By the way, I guarded myself with a hood outside the carriage all the time. I also had a muffler to protect my mouth. With my long bangs and glasses, my guard was as impregnable as an iron wall.

Ah, right. I couldn’t just use my cloak in this cold weather, so I improvised it into an overcoat last night. It had two layers, and I could put my arms out. It’s something like an inverse cape. If I wore a standard cloak on this snowy day, my clothes would get wet when I raised my hand…

I hadn’t noticed it at all. I was too stupid… You see, I usually secluded myself in the rainy days after all… But I didn’t have any reason to go out on a rainy day, so it couldn’t be helped.

I scanned my surroundings lightly, slightly depressed because of my stupidity. The snowfall had decreased a lot in the middle of the night, but the snow had piled considerably. Now that I think of it, it was hard to open the carriage door.

For the time being, I stored the snow around the carriage and the tents surrounding the bonfire into my [Storage], so we could move out here easily later.

Hmm, the tents were almost piled up with snow. They didn’t die from the cold, right…? But they wore clothes resistant to cold… Anyway, if they were alive, they would come out once they woke up.

For the time being, I set a fire on the bonfire and boiled water in the kettle. I boiled not only one, but three kettles. Since we had nine people, the water would immediately disappear if they asked for the second servings of tea.

The horses were also buried… Let’s do something about the surrounding snow while waiting until the water boiled. However, there were some carriages with large tents in the distance. I could also see many caravans other than us, so there were actually many people here.

It wouldn’t be strange if they already woke up. Instead of using [Storage], I used fire magic and wind magic to generate hot water and melt the snow.

In the meantime, I gave Norn and Bell their breakfast. Today’s meal was a chunk of cooked orc meat. Telling them to hunt in the snow was ‌harsh, you know? They wanted to go, but they put up with me since I wanted them to guard us.

Ryuu woke up when I had completely melted the snow around the carriage. This guy sure woke up early in the morning, huh. Well, it’s good. Maybe he’s suited to guard the night.

“Oh, good morning, Ren.”

“Good morning. You’re early as usual.”

“Yeah. I practiced swinging the wooden sword I received from you before breakfast, so I completely got used to getting up early. But what should I do today…”

“I think you shouldn’t practice today. Your sweat will cool your body, making you catch a cold.”

“Hmm, you got a point… It can’t be helped. I’ll give that up during the trip.”

I started to slowly prepare the breakfast while having small talk and making the fire in the bonfire bigger. Ryuu also got dressed as he chatted with me… I glanced at Ryuu, noticing the short sword on his waist.

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