Chapter 55 - Even If The Opponent Is A Villager, I Won't Show Mercy!

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And so I was going to participate in a cooking contest so that I could buy eggs.

After the villagers who had informed me of the contest left, I checked my surroundings. No one around, right? I stored my carriage. Then I went towards the square along with Norn and Bell. Eggs! Eggs!

When I arrived at the plaza, it was filled with people.

In the middle of the square, there were five simple stoves lined side by side, and on the opposite side was a table and chair.

And there was a stubborn looking person sitting in the chair. The person had some gray hair settling in, but his physique still looked quite solid. I guess that person would be the village chief?

It seems that some people had already started cooking at their stoves. What kind of dish were they making?

As I watched the situation, one person stepped forth. The person enthusiastically brought a plate over to the village chief.

“What is this! Do you think this will be enough to convince me!”

But the person was met with great rage. Additionally, the dish that he brought forth was scrambled eggs. What to say…
Despite that, the village chief still brought a bite to his mouth. Yep, it looked like there was perhaps a bit too much seasoning…

“All you did was cook it! And there’s too much salt on it! Rejected! Leave!”

Just cooking that… just what was he thinking.
Then the next person went up. There were fried eggs on the plate.

“Are you making fun of me! All you did was put salt on it!”

I was already thinking this with the previous person. But at least cook some ham or bacon and serve it with some chopped cabbage.
Next was a boiled egg. Ah, sheesh…

The results were terrible. I couldn’t bear to watch anymore.

“Are there anymore people who wish to take on the challenge!?”

It was honestly quite difficult to go out in this sort of atmosphere. Never mind, let’s just go.

“I’m not a merchant, so will that be alright?”

“Huh!? What are you going on about!? If you want eggs, just participate! It doesn’t matter if you’re a merchant or not!”

He was a very lively old man. But that was fine, I didn’t dislike that.

“Then I’ll join.”

“Hey, wait a minute. Take that hood off before that.”

“Can’t I just join like this?"

“What kind of person hides their face when in a contest! If you don’t take it off, you won’t be allowed to participate!”


 There was no helping it, so I gave up.
 I removed my hood.

Eh? I didn’t give up on participating? Wasn’t I trying not to attract attention? Eggs are more important right now! It’ll be fine! I’m wearing my glasses!

When I lowered my hood, the surroundings became momentarily quiet. But then it started to get loud immediately. The glasses were useless! But ignore, just ignore it!

Hm, but what’s this? Somehow, Norn also seems a bit unhappy? Eh? Did she also not like standing out? No, but the eggs? The eggs! If I can buy them, we’ll be able to eat egg dishes! Okay?

After taking care of Norn’s mood, I headed to the stove. There was a cooking stand and various cooking utensils.

“Eggs don’t have to be the main ingredient, right?”

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