Chapter 103 - Harvest Festival, Day 2

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It’s the second day of the harvest festival, you know?

We met up at around the same time as yesterday. Then we walked around the main street. How could I say this? I felt like doing the same thing two days in a row made this a bit too dull.

By the way, we were planning to look around since there was a music competition. I felt like there would be a lot of flags in the beauty contest, so I definitely had to avoid it.

There were many exhibitions on the second day. Naturally, there were many venues here and there. Additionally, I could see many street performances around the venue. I guess they were aiming at the large number of people who couldn’t enter the venue.

Also, many stalls sold foods that you could eat while sightseeing. Because of that, the road became narrow and it was a mess…

Yeah, someone bumped on us and dirtied the clothes with the broth of their food.

Ah, no. It’s not my clothes, but Triela’s.

I felt bad leaving her like that, so we moved to the toilet at one of the corners of the venue to change her clothes… but it was very crowded.

Since there were mirrors in the toilet, most of the people inside were using it to do their makeup and change their clothes in the toilet stall… They were probably the participants of the beauty contest.

Apparently, the preparation room participants could use had turned into a big battlefield. That’s why the participants for the preliminary contest couldn’t use the facility.

Actually, we were going to go to the venue for the performing contest next to this one, but it looked really crowded so we went here. This is the worst.

“Ren, it’s okay. It’s very crowded here. At this point, we’re only going to bother other people.”

“No. Girls have to be clean.”

“That’s right, Triela!”

I wouldn’t allow her to walk around with the front part of her coat sticky with meat soup. But the toilet was too crowded and there were no empty stalls to change her clothes… I proposed to clean the dirt using [Wash], but they rejected it because it would make us stand out.

“I think our surroundings think that we are participating in the contest too. They look bothered.”

“Eh? Why did it become like that?”

The gaze of the women around us was very sharp, so I had that kind of feeling… Most likely, I was right.

No, it’s not only my fault. I think Triela and Rico were also the cause of this.

Look, I renovated their house, right? That time, I made them take a bath, remember? I taught them how to use rice bran to make them look even prettier. Thanks to that, both of them had shiny hair and good skin complexion.

In the first place, only wealthy people could take a bath every day. Most of the commoners would boil hot water and wipe their body with that. It would be even more difficult if you were an adventurer since you wouldn’t earn much.

That’s why, Triela and Rico’s hair and skin couldn’t be compared with the women around us. Looking at them standing side by side would make those women look dull…

I think if we told them that we weren’t participants in this situation, they wouldn’t believe us at all. Hahaha… Haa.

Since we had no other choice, Rico and I forcibly made space by linking our arms. Triela finally managed to change her clothes. After that, we had a hard time going out… I knew that they were trying to decrease their rivals, but they were honestly scary.

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