Chapter Sixty-Three: And Then There was Destruction

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Sit with the pain until it passes, and you will be calmer for the next one

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Sit with the pain until it passes, and you will be calmer for the next one. -Naval Ravikant

 -Naval Ravikant

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Third Pov:

The Hellbearers launched themselves at the beasts with a frenzied fever of terror and rage.

The sounds of death and screams racked through the air like sirens on a dead road in the early morn.

Photia was frantic. Glancing around like a lost hen, trying to see if her children were all right.

The small number of demons she had rallied were no match for the utter ambush Valentine Riddle had prepared for her fellow Hellbearers.

The second those demons saw her... saw the mistress of death, they evaporated like dark clouds on a sunny day.

"Will you kill them?" Tom asks her.

"I will control them. And I shall break their spirit like they broke mine." Her words sent a shiver up his spine and he raised a tentative eyebrow at her.

"That sounds like an exhausting idea." Tom drawls and she gives him a glare.

"You do not get a say in these matters. Just stand there and look pretty." She sneers.

She still hadn't forgiven him.

She wouldn't forgive him in a very long time.

She was using him.

Just like he'd used her.

She took his last name as protection for herself. She made him a King because they were always going to look more powerful together than apart.

But she was the brains and brawn of this entire operation.

He felt utterly worthless.

"So what? I stand here and do nothing?" He crosses his arms and raises a brow at her.

"That's all you do anyways." She mocks, giving him a smirk. "You shouldn't find it hard to do."

"Can we press pause for a mere second." He snaps and the world around them slows down until the snow pauses in mid-air and everything freezes.

 𝐀 𝐑𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞 𝐔𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐝 ║Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now