Chapter Sixty: If we Burn, You Burn With Us

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This is a bit of a longer chapter as a present!! Enjoy!! It's a doozy.

MERRY CHRISTMAS !!!! This is a bit of a longer  chapter as a present!! Enjoy!!  It's a doozy

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- Some women fear the fire. Other women simply become it.

To say that the muggles were shocked when two fifteen year olds marched into their vicinity unannounced was an understatement

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To say that the muggles were shocked when two fifteen year olds marched into their vicinity unannounced was an understatement.

The soldiers were so startled they did nothing but stare as the children strolled inside.

They could have been holding biological weapons for all they knew but no one stopped to wonder what was happening.

It was a couple minutes before the muggle leaders stepped out, eyeing the two of them warily.

No one could see the ghost that was using Tom as a stepping stool so she could see what was happening.

Tom was seconds away from casting a spell at poor Greta.

Valentine's eyes narrow in on the leaders, her eyes making snake-like slits.

Her staff hits the ground and the ear-deafening noise it makes, causes the camp to grow silent.

"Who are you?" A man with a wicked moustache demands.

"Someone you should be concerned of." She states.

Guns and riffles were aimed at their heads mere moments later.

"Lovely opening Dumpledore." Tom grumbles and crosses his arms blowing out an annoyed breath.

"You know who I am." Her voice was clear as the sky above them. "You know why I'm here and what I want. You know I'm going to kill you." Her words cause the entirety of the camp to suck in a breath.

"A tad overconfident are we?" The man Tom assumed to be Hitler himself scoffs.

The leader lowers his extended arm and every solider starts shooting at them.

A rain of bullets dash towards them.

However, Valentine was not fazed. The storm of bullets fall the second they came into a meter diameter around her. Tom instantly hops beside her, a bullet whisking past his ear.

 𝐀 𝐑𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞 𝐔𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐝 ║Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now