Chapter Fourteen: Wizarding Competition .... STEP RIGHT UP!

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I hadn't spoken to any of my friends in months.

I hadn't spoken to Tom in ten days.

Aberforth and my daughter were the only ones I was speaking to other than the Hellbearers.

Abaddon had also put it upon himself to become my second trainer.

When Samir's session was over, that's when Abaddon's started.

And my demon didn't take it easy on me either.

He was taking out his anger on me and I had no problem with that. I was already started to see changes in my body with the amount of exercise I was doing.

The excess fat on my stomach and around my thighs were disappearing and my arms were tightening.

I could successfully draw my sword and daggers now at the same time.

It was way harder than I'd thought it would be.

Abaddon made sure I was utterly and entirely drained by the time he was done with me.

He'd separate himself from my body and then train me so hard, I would actually miss Samir's teachings.

It was the first day of Hogwarts and I was stepping up to the school, listening to the whistle of the train arriving at the station.

I stroll up, tightening my sweater over my crop top and jeans.

I feel the stares on my back before I see them and that's when I put my hood up and march inside not looking sideways at all.

I bring up the sleeves of my sweater, showing off my tats. If they wanted to whisper and stare, then I'd give them something to whisper and stare about.

The whispers increase in volume.

Fuck it.

My eyes go black.

 𝐀 𝐑𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞 𝐔𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐝 ║Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now