Chapter Fifty-Six: Heavyweight

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Kneeling gives you the strength to stand up stronger

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Kneeling gives you the strength to stand up stronger.
- Sara Younes

I've never felt more shattered

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I've never felt more shattered.

I was extruding power and yet I'd never felt so weak.

The pain pulsed in my chest and my arms and my legs and my head. I was barely aware of Tom, who I noticed right now looked incredibly pale and he was heaving heavily, trying to breathe.

He'd felt everything I had.

"You must submit." Lucifer taunts, his gaze going up to watch where my eyes were trained on. The pair of us watch as Tom sits up, eyes narrowed, sweat dripping from his brow. He was crouched down- not on his knees...never on his knees- and looked so pale, I was instantly concerned.

"Don't submit. They want to control you."

The voice pieces through the blurry pain in my head. I wasn't submitting. I was fighting for myself. I wasn't fighting for anyone else right now.

I must've been tortured for hours but it seemed like days.

They'd ripped off my nails.

They'd cut off my fingers.

They'd placed me in chains and had Jin attack me again and again.

It was all becoming too much.

They were making me feel like a thing.

Worthless and disposable.

And then Lucifer had the audacity to place me on the floor in front of his feet, and wave a hand over my head healing every wound inflicted on me in the past day.

As if anything physical he implicated on me was anything compared to the actual mental pain and trauma and abuse I'd just went through.

My gaze met his stoically and I raise a brow at him. "Are you done?" I ask, not coldly... because that would indicate that I cared .

"Only if you submit." He smiles. "If you don't then all of this can just repeat."

A pressure that had been pressing down on my chest, suddenly has me toppling forwards, hands on my stomach.

 𝐀 𝐑𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞 𝐔𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐝 ║Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now