Chapter Nine: I am SO not Dancing With the Devil

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- And then the devil arrived

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- And then the devil arrived.

My eyes snap open and the first thing I realize is that I wasn't in Hogwarts anymore

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My eyes snap open and the first thing I realize is that I wasn't in Hogwarts anymore.

I was in Hell.

How'd I know one might ask?

Because of the Jin that was millimeters from my face about to devour me whole.

"OH MY FUCKING SHITBALL!!" I screech, rolling to the side and staring at the thing in horror.

"PHOTIA YOU BITCH!" I scream, slamming my hand on the floor, eyes ablaze. "YOU'D BETTER NOT SHOW YOUR FACE HERE YOU FIRE FART!" I rage, absolutely furious.

"I like this one. She may stay forever if she wants to." A cool, amused voice rings around me and causes chills to contort over my spine.

I get to my feet slowly, still eyeing the Jin with a look of distrust. I was healed from my burns literally minutes ago. This Level A arse joker wasn't touching me.

"Her thoughts are just as humorous." The voice muses again, making me whirl around to see the most attractive man in the world.

He sat on a throne.

Yet he was chained to the seat.

If that wasn't a representation of the side effects of power than I don't know what was.

Photia stood to his side looking drastically like she wanted to wrench my eyes out from my skull.

"Oh." I instantly smile and wave sweetly at her. "Hi Photia." I grin. "Let's just remind ourselves here that I'm the ninety eighth Hellbearer and that everyone loves me." My smile is sheepish.

"You are the ninety ninth." She drawls. "You are not a fully trained Hell bearer that goes around the earth killing Jin for me."

"Bummer." I snap with a smile then my eyes lock on the creepy man. No one was allowed to be that attractive. It was not fair.

"I can change my appearance for you dear." His voice was smoother than smooth. It was so soft and silky like the fluffiest of pillows. "Just in case this one is too distracting."

 𝐀 𝐑𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞 𝐔𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐝 ║Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now