Chapter Fifty-Seven: The Evil Queen

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- As kids we loved the heroes

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- As kids we loved the heroes.... as adults we understand the villains.

 as adults we understand the villains

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Third Pov:

Valentine Dumbledore had officially just lost her shite.

She sat there, a single delicate leg crossed over the other, chains latching her into place on the throne.

Her skin hummed with power and she seemed to be glowing a light red.

"Can she do that!!?" Lucifer asks honestly confused.

"She just did." Raphael snarls at his brother.

Valentine wasn't paying attention to them. Her eyes were vacant and unstaring as she gazed at the chains around her wrist in utter silence.

Her lips slowly curve up into such an unnerving smile, Tom Riddle himself flinches back.

"Where are the demons that wish to cross you?" Her tone was quiet, eerie and mocking.

"PRIMROSE!" Her mother screams. "HOW COULD YOU?!"

Valentine raises a brow. "My name is Valentine. I am the King of Hell. You will address me as such." She snarls and her own mother startles back.

The old Valentine might've apologized. Might've even gotten up to hug the mother she never knew.

But not this Valentine.

She cared not for the woman who looked half in tears before her.

"Sister. Rethink this." Lilly demands, striding forward and glaring at her. "You're throwing all your work away."

"The only people that lose in this case is all of you." She croons, black eyes staring aimlessly into her sister's face.

"WHAT ABOUT MY FAMILY!?" Lilly screams. "WHY ARE YOU BEING SO SELFISH?!" She sobs out, hand on her heart.

It was the sound a mother makes knowing she'd finally lost her kids.

"I'm the selfish one?" Valentine asks calmly.

 𝐀 𝐑𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞 𝐔𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐝 ║Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now