Chapter Fourty-Two: You Poor Unfortunate Soul

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"Lose your dream, you lose your mind

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"Lose your dream, you lose your mind."
- The Rolling Stones

I was up next for the seventh year caliber

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I was up next for the seventh year caliber.

The guy I was up against was Ahmed and I was really really enjoying how entertaining this dude was.

He was a bloody riot. Everest had wanted me not to give his best friend a heart attack but pffft.

That was no fun.

"Hey Ahmed!! Your grandpa says hi!!" I laugh and he scowls at me.

"Everest told me you'd try to faze me out!" He shouts and shakes his hands desperately. "No! NOPE! I won't let you do that to me!!!" He screeches and points a finger at me accusingly.

I grin, amused at his antics. "Your grandfather really misses you though!!" I tease him but he scowls even more.

"Don't go easy on me just because I'm a fifth year!"

"Easy on you?!" He screams. "After what you did to Vivi? No way."

I laugh at that and twirl my wand between my fingers. "Then bring it on my friend."

He was down in three seconds. Not even.

I burst out laughing, holding his wand in my other hand.

"HEY!!! I'LL GET YOU!!!" He runs towards me but then I race away.

"GET BACK HERE VALENTINE!!!" Ahmed screeches.

"YOU CAN'T CATCH ME NA NA NA NA NA NAAAAAAA!!!!" I yell back over my shoulder.

"HEY!!! Get away from Valentine!!!" Ariel screams and dashes inside the open dome to jump on Ahmed's back.

"Valentine GET OUT OF THERE!!" I hear Tom shout. I tumble out of the dome giggling at the enraged expression on Ahmed's face.

 𝐀 𝐑𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞 𝐔𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐝 ║Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now