Chapter Twenty- Nine: Drops of Blood

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 - The sun is alone

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- The sun is alone.... yet it still shines.

I make my way towards the fields and sit beside Ariel

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I make my way towards the fields and sit beside Ariel.

"Hi Val!" She waves at me with a grin. I force myself to smile back at her.

I think she sensed I wasn't feeling well so she leapt into my lap and wrapped her arms around me in a hug.

"Thanks hun." I ruffle her hair slightly, hugging her back.

"What's up losers?" Daniel plops down into the seat beside me after planting a kiss on both my head and Ariel's.

"We're watching the duel. Duh." Ariel exclaims, short legs swinging in the air. She leans over and snatches some of Daniel's popcorn.


"You're a Hufflepuff. Get over it." The little girl giggles.

"Val. Those ministry people are waving at you." Daniel muses, popping some popcorn in his mouth.

I look to the side to see Theseus, Tina, Sabra and Waiola waving at me frantically.

I sigh and lift Ariel off of me, making sure not to put any pressure on my hand.

"I'll be back." I say and they nod, too enthralled with the match to say anything else.

I stride over to the Aurors, rewrapping the cut on my hand. It still hurt tremendously. But it was a distraction from what was going on in my head for now.

Just another scar.

"Hello Valentine." Theseus grins at me. "Long time no see."

"Yes indeed." I retort. "What are you doing here?"

"We were hired to keep the audience safe from the sixth and seventh years." He responds, hands going to wrap around me in a hug.

I hug him back slightly baffled at the affection he was showing me.

"Well in that case, you should've been here yesterday during the fifth year duels. You would've gotten to see more action then."

"Dippet actually put in a request for Auror protection during the fifth year duels as well." Sabra joins in, eyeing me warily.

 𝐀 𝐑𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞 𝐔𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐝 ║Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now