Chapter Fourty-Seven: The Darkness Seeps In

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I couldn't breathe

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I couldn't breathe.
I was so mad.
You used me like a thing and threw me out like a rag.
"I hate you" I'd think and then I'd start to cry.
How could I ever hate the apple of my eye?
- Sara Younes

 How could I ever hate the apple of my eye?- Sara Younes

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I walk inside the Great Hall, seething in my anger.

How dare he.

It's not like I went around telling everyone he was Voldemort. He should've kept Abaddon to his god damn self.

Like days before, Tom was being cooed over by the same Veela girl he'd screwed.


"Get up." I order him, eyes blazing with my anger, as I stepped up beside the happy, despicable couple.

"Dumbledore." He muses, staring at me in annoyance. The smile he'd been wearing drops when he sees me.

"Get up." I say again.

"I'm hanging out with my girlfriend at the moment." He croons.

God it felt like I'd been shot again. I see the Hufflepuffs staring at silently from across the Great Hall, Hannah among them.

She gives me a worried look.

I unhook my dagger and I swing it towards his throat. "Up." I drawl. "Now."

"Hey!! Leave him alone!" The girl demands, bright vibrant brown hair flailing down her back. Her eyes were so bright they seemed to glow with power.

"Are you seriously using your pathetic Veela powers on me?" I muse. "I'm a female and I'm straight. You don't freaking turn me on so can it."

She blinks. "Tom!! Did you hear her!! Are you letting her speak to me like that?!" She wails, making the pair of us stare at her in obvious annoyance.

I slice his throat and he hisses. "What the-"

"I told you TO GET UP!" I yell and proceed to grab him by the collar and shove him back, hauling him behind me as we reached the Courtyard.

 𝐀 𝐑𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞 𝐔𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐝 ║Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now