Chapter Fifty-Three: The Sky Splits

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- The shadow resides in us all

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- The shadow resides in us all.

- The shadow resides in us all

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"Let her go," I say quickly.

But I didn't have anything to worry about because Abby freaking Diggory grabs the knife in her hand, slicing her palm open.

The action has Albus blanching in shock as Abby takes that as momentum to steal the knife and plunge it into his clavicle.

She throws herself away as Albus lets out a heinous scream of pain.

"Don't dare talk about Greta!" She snarls, stumbling back to my side.

Everyone was just staring at her mouth agape.

"Do you want to apparate out of here?" Tom muses to no one in particular.

"No need." Theseus demands and he appears from around the corner his trench coat flying behind him like he was on one of those rom com tv shows.

The Aurors step up and shove us behind them.... like that would help anything.

"Albus." Theseus scowls looking highly angered.

And then I remember.

Grindelwald had murdered his fiancé. The woman he loved.

Leta Lestrange.

And he was pissed off.

"Ohhhhh you're the fiancé of that woman I killed aren't you?" Grindelwald cackles and claps his hands in a giddy delight.

"Ohhhhh he's about to have his arse whooped." Newt whispers suddenly appearing beside me and giving me a heart attack.

"Why are you even here?!! You aren't an Auror!"

"I GET LONELY!" He hisses back at him.

"Newt lonely people hang with their friends not tag along with Aurors on dangerous missions!!"

"Are you done your little rant? Because this whole situation is getting quite tedious." Tom sneers in disgust, nose twitching at the sudden onset of a full out war in the crevice of the hospital.

 𝐀 𝐑𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞 𝐔𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐝 ║Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now