Chapter Twenty- Five: Long Live Pain

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Chaos is the most dangerous thing in this world

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Chaos is the most dangerous thing in this world.
Magic is organizing chaos.

"Do you have any idea how stupid YOU ARE!?" I snap at Samir who'd slingshotted his dagger straight into a Jin coming up behind me

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"Do you have any idea how stupid YOU ARE!?" I snap at Samir who'd slingshotted his dagger straight into a Jin coming up behind me.

"No one asked you to help us Valentine." He glares, beautiful blue eyes troubled.

"It's. my. job." I grit out stabbing a Jin with every word.

"TAKE COVER!!" James Potter screeches, rushing over to yank me back down behind the barricade of Hellfire-proof shields, Lucifer had lent us.

"Brother, I am not completely out of my mind. I'm aware what take cover means." I give him a look, massaging the place on my neck where he'd almost paralyzed me with.

"Lilly told me to make sure you were safe. Plus I've never had a sister. And Petunia isn't the nicest human being on the planet. So you are my baby sister now!!" He cheers, seeming extremely happy with that.

My gaze softens and I smile, patting him on the back. "Okay James. Fine." I grin and crouch down, my hand grouping Anathema tightly in my hands.

"You need gloves." James points out looking at the cuts and boils on my bare fingers. "You might also want a shield of some sort." He hands me his own shield.

"No." I push it back.

He glares at me.

"I've been burnt by Hell fire before." I say and he gapes at me. "It's not that bad." I manage to squeak out.

"You fucking liar." Jim wheezes out with a grin, sliding right up next to us.

"This is the brother-in-law?" She demands and nods. "Nice to meet you Potter." Her smile was toothy, looking like a feral animal.

"She's freaking me out." James hisses to me. "She looks like she wants to cut me up and lick the muscle clean off my bone!!"

"James that was highly specific." I give him a weird look.

 𝐀 𝐑𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞 𝐔𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐝 ║Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now