Chapter One: The Pain Never Leaves

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Written in the stars

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Written in the stars.... whispered in her tears.... when she spoke of her fears.... did you even care my dear?
- Sara Younes

 did you even care my dear? - Sara Younes

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The funeral was held two days after the attack on Hogwarts.

It was a huge ceremony with the entirety of Hogwarts coming to give their wishes to the Ollivander family.

I stood to the side watching in utter sorrow as Mr. Ollivander screamed into the night.


My heart would never recover.

They buried her in Godric's Hollow. The place where Lilly and James had been buried. Guess that graveyard was stealing everyone I loved bit by bit.

Ariana stood beside me, tears in her eyes. "Greta is gone isn't she?" The young girl asks and I give her a small smile. It was tainted by my red, tear-stained cheeks and hysterically sad eyes.

"She's in a better place Ana." I whisper, hauling my daughter into my arms and holding her close to me. She rests her head on my shoulder and shakes her head.

"I think she became an angel."

I blink, looking at her in shock, then I smile at her. "I think so too sweetie. I think so too."


I'd been sleeping in the Hospital Wing. Both Ariana and me never left Tom's side. As long as his life was on pause... so would mine.

I wouldn't leave him. I couldn't leave him.

Even if he woke up and he hated me. I would love him.

"Tom." I grip his hand tight. "Tom come on baby. Please wake up. I still need to give you your birthday present. Please." I whisper, pressing my lips to his hand. "I love you." I tell him, eyes tearing up. "I can't lose you too." My voice comes out in a croak and I'm trying desperately not to cry.

 𝐀 𝐑𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞 𝐔𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐝 ║Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now